📕 Node [[readme]]
📄 README.md by @agora

Welcome to this [[Agora of Flancia]]!

An Agora is a Free Knowledge Commons built by the people, for the people.

Which people, you ask? Us [[Flancians]] — and our friends!


  • See the list of all [[Nodes]] and all [[Users]] in this Agora.
    • An Agora node tries to aggregate all resources that are relevant to a query or location.
    • An Agora user is a person or repository who has contributed resources.
  • Visit [[Journals]] for a timeline of resources that seem journal-like.
  • Visit [[Index]] for the community index.
  • Visit [[Random]] for a random node.
  • Or just type something on the search bar above :) You will be sent to the Node view for the matching location, which tries to surface relevant resources within the Agora and around the internet.

To join

You will need to send a [[PR]] adding a pointer to your git repository containing a digital garden or blog to [[sources.yaml]] — or, if you don’t know what that means, please reach out to @flancian or another member of Flancia Collective to discuss what is needed to let us find (and import continuously) your content from around internet.

Please indicate your preferred username and your acceptance of the instance’s [[CONTRACT]] as of the time of writing. If you contribute your repository to an Agora you are assumed to be in agreement with its current [[CONTRACT]] as posted by user @agora.

You can also write to this Agora from the [[Fediverse]] (social media) by following and interacting with an [[Agora Bot]].

Learn more

See [[Agora architecture]] for details on how the Agora works and instructions to run your own.

Farewell for now!

Please reach out if you need anything, enjoy the Agora, and have a great day! 🍮

📄 README.md by @flancian ️🔗 ✍️

Welcome to Flancian’s digital garden!

Navigating this garden


[[Flancia]] is [[Creative Commons]] and the [[Agora of Flancia]] is [[Free Software]].

📄 README.md by @vera

Vera’s home on the web

You made it to my secret lair, congratulations! 🎉

  • Social links

    mastodon: v@federate.social
  • ssb: @UK4I9qaWYtSkBATEBnFxtvbnLadFWVrM9HFNc7XIGw4=.ed25519

Virtual places I frequent

Go links


Experimental features

[[agora pull]] [[vera]]

Wow it took this long to make a readme

📄 README.md by @vera


QuickJS is a small and embeddable JavaScript engine. It supports the ES2019 specification including modules, asynchronous generators and proxies.

It optionally supports mathematical extensions such as big integers (BigInt), big floating point numbers (BigFloat) and operator overloading.

Original Source: https://bellard.org/quickjs/quickjs-2019-09-18.tar.xz

Modifications: We made some changes to adapt the codebase to the WASI interface.


With wasmer

Install it with:

wapm install -g quickjs

Without any arguments a simple REPL will be launched.

# Run a file
qjs --dir=. examples/hello_module.js

# Run the REPL

With wasmtime

First build it by following the instructions in "Building".

# Run a file
wasmtime --dir examples/ build/qjs.wasm -- examples/hello_module.js

# Run the REPL
wasmtime --dir . build/qjs.wasm


The following script will download the WASI SDK and build the Wasm binary.

📄 readme.md by @neil ️🔗 ✍️


See [[Neil’s Digital Garden]].

My [[nowtions]].

📄 README.md by @maya

I am Maya of maya.land, where more biographical details can be found. I am an extensive [[tiddlywikiist]] privately, but I like the idea of contributing to the wonderful coop vibe goin’ on here, so I’m hoping to figure out a subset that’s useful to share.

📄 README.md by @j0lms


📄 README.md by @ajhalili2006

~ajhalili2006’s digital garden in Obsidian

open in agora badge Open in Obsidian badge Keybase PGP

Welcome to my [[digital garden]], which is part of the Agora and can be found rendered in https://anagora.org/ .

You can also view this in [[Obsidian]] or [[Foam]] by cloning the repo and opening it as a vault. (Viewing this in GitLab and other git mirrors I (and maybe other people) maintain might cause you [[backend pain]] due to wikilinks may not work, among other Obsidian-specific Markdown formatting.)

How to navigate

  • The most obvious way to navigate around here is using Agora’s search feature.
  • You can also find your way via tags:
    • [[daily notes]] - sometimes an daily diary, often my log of what I have done in the day
    • [[Gildedguy Stories]] - my starter pack for the Gildedguy Stories series by [[mikedmoy]]
    • [[ajhalili2006]] - mini personal README about me and the context behind the username

Other notepads


Most of my notes here in this digital garden are licensed liberally under [[CC-BY-SA-4.0]] (see [[LICENSE]] or this via GitLab)

📄 README.md by @ankostis

My Garden setup

Sensitive information is stored in a "walled garden", an encrypted keybase git-submodule. But couldn’t combine existing repo with it, due to GitHub’s jekyll complains, as explained in [[foam]]. So it has to happen in 2 steps: clone and attach submodule locally only.

Walled Garden

Command to attach my walled Garden:

git submodule add -f keybase://private/ankostis/GardenWall Walls

The -f is needed because .gitmodules is in .gitignore, for it must not be pushed to GitHub repo.

📄 README.md by @bbchase


📄 README.md by @binnyva


📄 README.md by @blindpill

My name is Nicolás and you can reach me at @blindpill on Twitter

📄 README.md by @bmann

Boris Mann’s Digital Garden

Live at https://bmannconsulting.com. Read the Colophon for details.

Running Jekyll, backlinks and second brain / digital garden features provided by Simply Jekyll theme.

Social and slightly more frequent posts are at https://blog.bmannconsulting.com.

📄 README.md by @communecter

Bienvenue !

Communecter.org est une boîte à outils citoyenne collaborative, ouverte à tous, un réseau sociétal innovant, open source et libre, de développement de territoire avec une approche locale (quartier, arrondissement, commune, ville, …). La plateforme offre des outils adaptés aux échanges, aux rencontres, aux débats, au montage de projets , à l’expression des besoins des uns et aux services offerts par les autres.

Quelle plateforme souhaitez vous ?

Nous vous proposons de créer votre propre plateforme personnalisée (appelée COstum). Grâce à notre ingénieux système vous bénéficierez des informations présentes dans communecter.org, et ce qui sera publié sur votre plateforme sera également visible sur communecter.org.

Vous êtes une organisation ?

Communecter répond au besoin de différent contexte et s’adapte à vos objectifs, si vous connaissez les objectifs que vous aimeriez atteindre , nous vous aiderons à les atteindre, et si nécessaire nous pouvons créer des outils sur mesure et mutualiser .

Faite le vous meme ?

  • Communecter un espace personnalisé
  • Créer un costum basé sur des template
  • Créer un questionnaire en tout autonomie
  • Connectez votre commune basé sur le COstum COcity
  • Connectez des secteur et filière locale et déployez un Territoire intelligent : SmarTerritoire
  • Envoyez nous votre cahier des rèves

Quelques réalisations

Toute l’année nous développons des plateformes participatives, libres et locales.


Roadmap, Ligne de vie du projet

Où sommes nous et va-t-on ?

  • vision 2020

  • en cours de développement en ce moment

  • Milestone et Réalisation mise en prod

  • Projets Réalisés et livrés

Listes des modules et fonctionnalités

Comprendre, Participation , Implication

  • Comprendre le fonctionnement pour embarqué

  • Organigramme : qui fait quoi

  • Suivi de projet : Qu’est qu’il y aurait à faire en ce moment

  • Comprendre la Gouvernance Ouverte

  • J’aimerais participer , mais par où je commences

  • d’où on vient

📄 README.md by @communecter


Bienvenue !

Communecter.org est une boîte à outils citoyenne collaborative, ouverte à tous, un réseau sociétal innovant, open source et libre, de développement de territoire avec une approche locale (quartier, arrondissement, commune, ville, …). La plateforme offre des outils adaptés aux échanges, aux rencontres, aux débats, au montage de projets , à l’expression des besoins des uns et aux services offerts par les autres.

Quelle plateforme souhaitez vous ?

Nous vous proposons de créer votre propre plateforme personnalisée (appelée COstum). Grâce à notre ingénieux système vous bénéficierez des informations présentes dans communecter.org, et ce qui sera publié sur votre plateforme sera également visible sur communecter.org.

Vous êtes une organisation ?

Communecter répond au besoin de différent contexte et s’adapte à vos objectifs, si vous connaissez les objectifs que vous aimeriez atteindre , nous vous aiderons à les atteindre, et si nécessaire nous pouvons créer des outils sur mesure et mutualiser .

Faite le vous meme ?

  • Communecter un espace personnalisé
  • Créer un costum basé sur des template
  • Créer un questionnaire en tout autonomie
  • Connectez votre commune basé sur le COstum COcity
  • Connectez des secteur et filière locale et déployez un Territoire intelligent : SmarTerritoire
  • Envoyez nous votre cahier des rèves

Quelques réalisations

Toute l’année nous développons des plateformes participatives, libres et locales.


Roadmap, Ligne de vie du projet

Où sommes nous et va-t-on ?

  • vision 2020

  • en cours de développement en ce moment

  • Milestone et Réalisation mise en prod

  • Projets Réalisés et livrés

Listes des modules et fonctionnalités

Comprendre, Participation , Implication

  • Comprendre le fonctionnement pour embarqué

  • Organigramme : qui fait quoi

  • Suivi de projet : Qu’est qu’il y aurait à faire en ce moment

  • Comprendre la Gouvernance Ouverte

  • J’aimerais participer , mais par où je commences

  • d’où on vient

📄 README.md by @danielarmengolaltayo

Notes on the synthesis of form, by Christopher Alexander

📄 README.md by @darlim

What I am

A difficult thing to define.

Who I am

My name is Henrique [[Darlim]].

Where I am

📄 README.md by @evan 🤗

Draft [[Astro RFCs]]

📄 README.md by @evan 🤗

As it says on the tin, not is not. This area is not strictly a part of my garden, and does not have wikilinks (or should not, rather. If it does do submit a PR to fix it, but use common sense, in some contexts it does make sense). Rather, this is an area to prepare documents in the public

📄 readme.md by @evan 🤗


MOVED TO https://git.sr.ht/~boehs/oasis

📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗
  • This directory contains generated files. If you edit these, you can expect them to eventually be clobbered.
📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗


Repository for the writing and media in https://flancia.org .

Flancia by @flancian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


This uses [[Nikola]] to generate https://flancia.org and [[markdown-pp]] to generate a book with selections from the site.

$ pip install nikola MarkdownPP

Then run [[make]] to make both.


In Flancia there is an Agora, and Flancia is in the Agora :)

See https://anagora.org , https://anagora.org/flancia for more.

📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗

A nerdy theme, based on HACK CSS

It has a few different color schemes, you can activate them by setting the HACK_VARIANT variable in GLOBAL_CONTEXT to one of

  • dark
  • dark-grey
  • solarized-dark
  • standard

©2017 Roberto Alsina

📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗

Nikola theme forked from https://github.com/pagecho/maupassant

Description from the original:

A simple typecho template with great performance on different devices.

Suggested configuration is to add Home to nav links so you see the "tabs" properly:

        ("/", "Home"),
        ("/archive.html", "Archive"),
        ("/categories/", "Tags"),


  • Could add support for fontawesome icons in nav bar like some forks of this theme have.
  • Image gallery is somewhat broken
📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗

Nikola MDL Mako Template

This theme is based from Material Design Lite templates. It gets the idea from the blog example. This theme is for Nikola static site generator and used Mako templates. The RSS feed icon is getting from Community Icons


To install:

Enter the command line below at the console

$ nikola theme -i mdl

Edit conf.py for setting these values below:

  • THEME = "mdl"

Refer to Customizing Your Site for more information. If post_type is used, it accepts a dictionary value, where key is the post meta type and value is the icon name from Google Material Design Icons. There is an example in Customization section.

Style development

You can skip this section if the theme is going to be used as it is. As the final styles.css is generated and placed in assets/css folder.

The css file is generated using SASS compiler. If you have it installed, you can generate the final styles.css file by calling make as there is a Makefile that contains the generation commands.

If you want to add custom styles in custom.scss or custom.css, set mdl__custom_css to True. Both files are git-ignored.

JavaScript development

If you want to add custom JavaScript in custom.js, set mdl__custom_js to True. The custom.js file is git-ignored.


Here are the components that used in this theme

  • Buttons (mdl-button) on site buttons
  • Cards (mdl-card) on post, story and gallery
  • Layout (mdl-layout) on site layout
  • Navigation (mdl-navigation) on top and drawer navigations
  • Grid (mdl-grid) on site grid
  • Footer (mdl-mega-footer or mdl-mini-footer)
  • List (mdl-list)
  • Menus (mdl-menu) on more button in navigation
  • Text Fields (mdl-textfield) not in the theme but you might need it on search box
  • Tooltips (mdl-tooltip) not in the theme but you might need it on search box


It supports some variables in the config file (conf.py). Below are the default values except post_type, where is {}:

        "mdl__version": "1.3.0",
        "mdl__color_scheme": "indigo-pink",
        "mdl__roboto_font": False,
        "mdl__late_load_css": False,
        "mdl__cachebusting": "1",
        "mdl__fixed_header": False,
        "mdl__fixed_drawer": False,
        "mdl__no_drawer_button": False,
        "mdl__no_desktop_drawer_button": False,
        "mdl__multiple_header": False,
        "mdl__header_scroll": False,
        "mdl__header_waterfall": False,
        "mdl__header_waterfall_hide_top": False,
        "mdl__header_transparent": False,
        "mdl__header_seamed": False,
        "mdl__footer": "",
        "mdl__navigation_large_screen_only": False,
        "mdl__drawer_small_screen_only": False,
        "mdl__custom_css": False,
        "mdl__custom_js": False,
        "drawer_title": "",
        "drawer_logo_url": "",
        "drawer_show_title": "",
        "drawer_description": "",
        "drawer_note": "",
        "title_row_middle": False,
        "navigation_row_middle": False,
        "breadcrumb_separator": ">",
        "post_type": {
            "text": "format_align_justify",
        "top_nav_header": False,
        "more_button_header": [
            ("/mobile/", "Mobile Site", "Mobile"),
        "image_plugin": "colorbox",
  • mdl__version is Material Design Lite version number
  • mdl__color_scheme is colour scheme from Material Design Lite
  • mdl__roboto_font is a flag whether Roboto font is used, refer to styles documentation
  • mdl__late_load_css is a flag whether CSS styles are deferred, refer to Optimize CSS Delivery
  • mdl__cachebusting is a flag solving the cache problem for CSS and JavaScript files.


Additional optional MDL classes for outer div element:

  • When mdl__fixed_header is True, class mdl-layout--fixed-header is applied for making the header always visible, even in small screens
  • When mdl__fixed_drawer is True, class mdl-layout--fixed-drawer is applied for making the drawer always visible and open in larger screens
  • When mdl__no_drawer_button is True, class mdl-layout--no-drawer-button is applied for not displaying a drawer button
  • When mdl__no_desktop_drawer_button is True, class mdl-layout--no-desktop-drawer-button is applied for not displaying a drawer button in desktop mode


  • When mdl__multiple_header is True, logo and title will be first line and top navigation will move to second line
  • When title_row_middle is True, title row (or first line in multiple header lines) will position in the middle

Additional optional MDL classes for header element:

  • When mdl__header_scroll is True, class mdl-layout__header--scroll is applied for making the header scroll with the content and mutually exclusive with mdl__fixed_header
  • When mdl__header_waterfall is True, class mdl-layout__header--waterfall is applied for allowing a "waterfall" effect with multiple header lines
  • When mdl__header_waterfall_hide_top is True, class mdl-layout__header--waterfall-hide-top is applied for hiding the top rather than the bottom rows on a waterfall header
  • When mdl__header_transparent is True, class mdl-layout__header--transparent is applied for making header transparent (draws on top of layout background)
  • When mdl__header_seamed is True, class mdl-layout__header--seamed is applied for using a header without a shadow



  • When mdl__navigation_large_screen_only is True, it hides navigation row in multiple header lines on smaller screens
  • When navigation_row_middle is True, navigation row (second line) in multiple header lines will position in the middle


  • When mdl__drawer_small_screen_only is True, it hides drawer on larger screens
  • drawer_title is the title in the drawer and it could be set the same as BLOG_TITLE
  • drawer_logo_url is the logo url in the drawer and final output is drawer_title
  • The default of drawer_show_title is False. It hides the drawer title (for example, if drawer logo already contains the text).
  • drawer_description is more HTML text between drawer_title and drawer navigation
  • drawer_note is more HTML text after drawer navigation


  • When Post Types feature in Nikola is used, post_type can used to style different type of posts.
  • When top_nav_header is true, navigation will visible when top header is appeared on wider screen.
  • When more_button_header is true, more button at top menu header will visible after search button. It is a tuple list, where ("URL", "title", "menu name") as format.
  • String value image_plugin is either empty string, lightbox or colorbox. It it is empty string, no image plugin will be used. If it is colorbox, colorbox script is used to view full images. It is the same image library as Nikola used. If it is lightbox, lightbox script is used to view full images in gallery pages.
  • Add meta ‘type’ and ‘hidetitle’ to ‘story’ page.
  • Add meta ‘no-card-shadow’ and ‘no-card-media’ to ‘post’ and ‘story’ pages.


  • mdl_version is replaced with mdl__version
  • color_scheme is replaced with mdl__color_scheme
  • roboto_font is replaced with mdl__roboto_font
  • mega_footer (boolean type) is replaced with mdl__footer (string type)

Depreciated classes

  • theme-blog is replaced with site
  • theme-blog__posts is replaced with site-posts
  • theme-blog__post is replaced with site-post
  • theme-blog__gallery is replaced with site-gallery
  • theme-blog__page is replaced with site-page
  • theme-blog__listing is replaced with site-listing
  • theme-card is replaced with site-card
  • theme-nav is replaced with site-navigation
  • theme-nav__button is replaced with site-navigation__button
  • previous is replaced with site-navigation__previous
  • next is replaced with site-navigation__next
  • theme-crumbs is replaced with site-breadcrumbs
  • searchform is replaced with site-header__search

New classes

  • site-header
  • site-header__title-row
  • site-header__navigation-row
  • site-header__row-middle
  • site-header__navigation
  • site-header__more-button
  • site-title
  • site-drawer
  • site-drawer__title
  • site-drawer__description
  • site-drawer__navigation
  • site-drawer__note
  • metadata
  • site-post__author
  • site-post__date
  • site-post__total-comment
  • site-post__tag
  • site-post__source-link
  • site-post__source-link
  • site-page-list
  • site-page-list-post
  • site-page-story
  • site-page-tags
  • site-page-tag
  • site-footer

Known Issues

  • Not all features of Nikola are tested
  • slideshow is not working
  • Submenus in navigation links are not supported
  • THEME_COLOR is not used regardless the value
  • Not meet WCAG 2.0 level AA



Material Design Lite Apache License Version 2.0

Google Material Design Icons - Attribution 4.0 International

RSS Feed Icons - SIL Open Font License 1.1

jQuery - MIT License

Colorbox - MIT License

Lightbox - MIT License

Templates - Apache License Version 2.0

📄 README.md by @flancia.org ✍️ 🤗

The zen and zen-based themes are very customizable, so to make these themes work, you have to use the sample config file. The theme uses Font Awesome v5 icons.

More info about the zen themes family here.



WARNING: The themes use Less for their styles, but you don’t need a Less compiler installed to use it.

📄 README.md by @forshaper


📄 readme.md by @gyuri

Gyuri’s Foam powered digital garden

  • Here to explore integration with agora
  • edited

👋 Welcome to your new Foam Knowledge Base!

Getting started

This documentation assumes that you have a GitHub account and have Visual Studio Code installed on your Linux/MacOS/Windows machine.

  1. If you haven’t yet, browse over to the main Foam documentation to get an idea of what Foam is and how to use it.

  2. Press "Use this template" button at foam-template (that’s this repository!) to fork it to your own GitHub account. If you want to keep your thoughts to yourself, remember to set the repository private.

  3. Clone the repository to your local machine and open it in VS Code.

    Open the repository as a folder using the File > Open... menu item.

  4. When prompted to install recommended extensions, click Install all (or Show Recommendations if you want to review and install them one by one)

After setting up the repository, head to [[getting-started]] to get familiar with your new knowledge base!

To learn more about how to use Foam, read the Recipes bubbles of the Foam documentation workspace.

And remember that you can always join our Foam community on Discord!

Using Foam

We’ve created a few Bubbles (markdown documents) to get you started.

  • [[inbox]] - a place to write down quick notes to be categorized later
  • [[getting-started]] - learn how to use your Foam workspace
  • [[todo]] - a place to keep track of things to do

In the docs directory you can find everything you need to learn the basics of Foam.

Submitting Issues

As you may have noticed, issues are disabled. With the goal to keep the project fairly easy to maintain, please file your issues in the main Foam repository:


📄 readme.md by @houshuang
📄 readme.md by @houshuang


Uses https://github.com/aravindballa/gatsby-theme-andy/

Running the project

  • yarn
  • yarn start
📄 README.org by @jakeisnt
  • Contributing
📄 README.md by @jayu



´´´ ID: Agora4 Jayu Eleuthéria Creation: 2023-05-19 Last modification: 2023-05-19 ´´´

Welcome to [[my]] digital [[Zettelkasten]], nicknamed [[This Zettelkasten]]. Its main purpose is to assist me with my research objective—[[evaluating and improving psychoanalysis’ scientificity and efficacy]]. Nonetheless, other related and unrelated subjects may also appear here.

An archetypical, analog Zettelkasten (there are other variations with slight or significative differences) is a collection of physical index cards in which one registers some kind of content. These cards usually are linked to each other by some sort of metadata: tags, direct references to other cards, Folgezettel, etc. In a sense, Zettelkästen are some of the many ancestors of [[hypertext]], and have been used since their inception by many different kinds of people, from scientists and philosophers to writers and artists.

In this Zettelkasten, every individual page is a [[card]], with a title and a numerical ID. Cards are connected to each other either through [[wikilinks]] naturally inserted into the card’s body, or through being referenced in a [[Trail]]—a sequence of related cards. [[Tags]] help organizing cards into broader categories and classes, and convey certain info about them (e.g. the #incomplete tag marks a card whose content I intend to develop more in the future).

Cards have classes, indicated by tags. This one is a [[Handbook]]—a card whose content serves to explain how this Zettelkasten works.


This Zettelkasten by Jayu Eleuthéria is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

📄 README.md by @karlicoss

Table of Contents

Exobrain, or "second brain", or "brain dump" is something like public wiki where you can keep your bookmarks, notes, ideas and thoughts.
Other people can search in your exobrain without having to physically interact with you.
The point is not to avoid physical interaction altogether, but to scale collaboration and knowledge exchange with other people.

It also allows for quicker iteration in writing blog posts or developing thoughts – I can just quickly publish it here, share it gradually, and receive immediate feedback.

You can find org-mode sources of the files here, and the code to process and compile it here.

My exobrain contains semi-curated notes, tasks and links.

You can read more about exobrain on on its project page.

How to interact with exobrain?

Granted, there is lots of stuff here, and it’s unclear what should you start with (if at all?).

navigation sidebar

It might be useful to explore and overview what’s in my exobrain.
I’m still figuring out a system to distinguish ‘link dump’ pages for more interesting ones.
For now I’m just marking the latter with emojis, like this ⭐.


I imagine search as the primary means of interacting with the exobrain.
The search yields you results as you type, which means incredibly fast feedback.

Note that at the moment it’s still in development.

via the source code?

You can also clone the org-mode repository and eplore it in emacs directly.


Some pages are quite unprocessed, but hopefully enough to make sense, especially if you are looking for something specific.
Note that not everything is my own text:

some (if not most?) notes are just clippings
Usually the clippings are quoted like this.

, so hopefully it’s easy to tell apart what’s quoted and what are my own thoughts.
If it’s a clipping, doesn’t mean I agree with it, or think the information is true, just means that I found it curious or worthy further research.

page structure

Usually the content on the top of the page is somewhat curated and has higher information weight.
In the bottom of the page the links I’ve refiled pile up, and it’s a bit more chaotic.
Usually I separate the two with ============================.

For example, see page on python.

what do timestamps/priorities/todo states mean?

First, if they annoy you, can turn toggle them via the settings in the bottom of the page.

  • timestamps usually correspond to the time I created a bookmark/note, it’s useful to assess how relevant is information (e.g. something from 5 years ago is more likely to be irrelevant to me now than something I added yesterday)
  • priorities roughly mean how important/valuable I think a piece of information/todo is, for me or other people.
    Some bookmarks don’t have priorities, which usually means I either haven’t processed them yet.
  • todo states (TODO/STRT/DONE) usually mean whether I’ve processed a bit of information, or it’s in my queue


While I’m generally doing my best to combat link rot, notes may move around, some IDs change, etc.
So if you see a piece of useful information here, make sure to copy its text, not just the heading link.


  • do you really think that what you have here is interesting to anyone
    Yes, to some people. It’s also useful to me when I want to share something I’ve already written down with other people.
  • isn’t it too much information?
    Yes, I have a certain kind of FOMO. But I think I’m managing it relatively well :)
  • are you actually retaining any knowledge?
    Yes, in fact I can’t imagine learning without notetaking.
    I certainly don’t retail all of it (or perhaps even most of it).
    But even knowing where you can find some information in the form you like is a big part of learning process.
  • aren’t you making yourself vulnerable by sharing too much unfiltered content?
    I don’t know… maybe? This is kind of inevitable with any form of public online communication.
    I do have beliefs/opinions from several years ago I’m not holding anymore or even cringe at.
    If you think something I have here is problematic etc., please feel free to reach out, and I’ll be happy to discuss, I realy am open for change.

Exobrains/wikis made by other people

You can also find more links here.

📄 README.md by @KGBicheno


Kieran’s Agora is a place of constant learning. While you may draw assumptions from what is being learned here, a friendly, open, and charitable discussion will be given a chance upon disagreement.

Like all Agora, it may change. This is to be celebrated. Knowledge is not static.

Who am I?

I’m a storyteller and lookout. I’ve been called ‘Paḻaiya kai’, ‘hem-netjer’, ‘arlequin’, and ‘саботажник’ over the years, but the roles I’ve played have served who I am, they’ve not made who I am.

Romanticism aside, I have some form of external certification in the following domains:


Continued Learning

  • Writing
  • Economics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Programming
  • Data analysis
  • Sociology
  • Astronomy
  • Journalism
  • First Aid

Experienced but not continued

  • Radio broadcast
  • Marketing
  • Web development
  • Business management
  • Fencing (sport)


Continued Learning

  • Politics
  • Mental healh issues (not policy)
  • Queer/Polyamorous issues
  • Linux systems operation
  • Military politics
  • Community management
  • Voice acting
  • Speech writing
  • Video editing
  • Image editing
  • Audio editing

Experienced but not continued

  • Motorsports
  • Choral singing
  • Catholic history/rites
  • Acting
📄 README.md by @khinsen


A contribution to http://anagora.org/

📄 readme.md by @luciana

Luciana’s digital garden

Bienvenides Notas sobre literatura, lingüística, etc.

📄 README.md by @moa-party


The moaparty.com website. Used for status, updates, and documentation for moa.party, a cross poster for Mastodon, Twitter, and more.

📄 README.md by @mwt

The Index

This is my Agora node. It exists as of [[2021-01-24]]. Here are some of my projects:

If you want to contact me, you can find my information here: [[identity]]

📄 readme.md by @olofl

olofl’s digital garden

Welcome to my [[digital garden]]!

This garden is part of the Agora and can be found rendered in https://anagora.org/ . If you’re viewing this on Github, you will have a suboptimal experience (many links will be broken).

Contact me on Twitter.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Andreas’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Daniel’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Eduardo’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Ekin’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Fiona’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Ivo’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Jonathan’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Katherine’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Maya’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Natalia’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @patterning

Welcome !

This is a place for all participants of the Christopher Alexander reading group to upload files — whether they be notes, images, reference texts, etc. — for sharing with the group!

How To:

  • please only upload files to the folder with your name on it (so we keep track of who shared what)
  • everyone can access all folders and files (that’s how we share)
  • some file formats will be displayed by the GitHub webpage in a readable form directly: such formats include .txt, .md, .pdf, .jpg, .png, …
  • files in the .docx format of Microsoft Word and various other formats cannot be display on this webpage and not everyone might have the software to display such formats on their personal computer, so it is encouraged, whenever possible, to use file formats that are as accessible as possible!
  • to upload files, select the "add file" button, then select "upload file" from the drop-down menu. Once the file is uploaded, one needs to scroll down a bit and click the green button labeled with "Commit Changes" for the file to be save to the folder.

Further/other info:

  • The word "repository" that is used on the GitHub webpage can be thought of as just meaning "folder" or "place"
  • Some documents (such as .txt files and .md files) can be created and/or edited directly in the GitHub webpage (there is a little pencil symbol to enter edit mode). In order to save changes, one needs to scroll down and click the green button labeled with "Commit Changes".
📄 README.md by @patterning

This is Simon’s folder for the "patterning" reading group. A place for any kinds of files - personal notes, images, references, etc.

📄 README.md by @plantey

Plantey’s Digital Garden

Welcome to my digital garden! Here, I cultivate idea-seeds. For more clarity on this, see Digital Garden

📄 README.md by @rel8 ️🔗 ✍️

Rel8 Wiki

Rel8 is born from two questions:

  • Why is it so difficult for us to share our notes?
  • Why don’t we know what we know collectively?

At the very personal scale, plenty of individuals are [[perfecting their note-taking]], but usually those notes are just for themselves. The rest of us are often duplicating those efforts and not benefiting from the possibilities of a hive mind.

At the larger organizational scale, plenty of companies and nonprofits have spent decades and millions on Knowledge Management, with little benefit to show for it.

We are now in a new era, one that recognizes that humans are essential to Knowledge Management, that visualization is an essential complement to KM, and that collective intelligence must respect differing points of view.

Rel8 is a shepherding and stewarding project, not a coding project to build yet another platform.

Instead, Rel8 seeks to figure out out what conditions, organizations and dynamics need to exist so we can create a shared memory. This mission requires:

  • Convening solution-finding conversations
  • Creating prototype code and use cases to illustrate what’s possible and why

[[What Are We Doing Now]]?

[[Where Is Rel8]]?

[[Get Involved]]

[[Our Groundrules]]

📄 readme.md by @rusp


Welcome to my Agora

📄 readme.md by @s5bug

Aly’s digital garden

This garden is part of an experiment on what being part of a shared digital knowledge base entails.

This garden is a part of [[Flancian]]‘s [[Agora]].

📄 README.md by @scalingsynthesis ️🔗 ✍️

For an intro to this project, see our start here page. If you are reading on Agora, start here. This is a work in progress networked notebook, but is ready for sharing. Feel free to make pull requests and suggestions, or comment on pages.

Website made using Quartz.Host your second brain and digital garden for free. Huge shoutout to Jacky Zhao for being so helpful getting this site off the ground to fit our needs.

📄 README.md by @seph


notes sent to an agora

also hosted at seph.news

written in obsidian

📄 README.md by @sparql

The source for the SPARQL wiki graph, published here.

📄 readme.md by @tilda


see [[me]]

📄 README.md by @unrival

An object is something that can be unambiguously referenced by means of an address.

A simple object is an object containing no parts.

The following are simple objects:

Complex objects are objects that consist of parts.

With the exception of the empty context, every complex object contains a context, which is required for assigning value to an interpretation

📄 README.md by @unrival



  1. to undo a state of rivalry
  2. to outcompete conclusively
  3. to accomplish the above by means of an Unrival object
📄 README.md by @vera@ctzn.one


📄 README.md by @wilde-at-heart

Hugo PaperMod | Demo

☄️ Fast | ☁️ Fluent | 🌙 Smooth | 📱 Responsive

Hugo PaperMod is a theme based on hugo-paper. The goal of this project is to add more features and customization to the og theme.

The demo includes a lot of documentation about Installation, Features with a few more stuff. Make sure you visit it, to get an awesome hands-on experience and get to know about the features …

ExampleSite can be found here: exampleSite. Demo is built up with exampleSite as source.

Minimum Hugo Version Build GH-Pages GitHub hugo-papermod Quality Gate Status code-size

Special Thanks 🌟

📄 README.md by @xiq


📄 README.md by @anonymous@doc.anagora.org ✍️


This is meant to be a read only dump of notes hosted in doc.anagora.org (the default [[stoa]] as of the time of writing.)

Loading pushes...

Rendering context...

📕 Node [[aly]] pulled by user