π‘ README by @ajhalili2006
Garden API
An mini API for the garden website, using Denoflare
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π‘ README by @ajhalili2006
~ajhalili2006’s personal wiki and digital garden
Home of my digital garden (and more) in one monorepo, powered by Obsidian + Foam for VS Code and Material for Mkdocs.
Directory Map
. You are here! βββ .devcontainer - Devcontainer files for GitHub Codespaces and Remote Dev Containers βββ .foam β βββ templates - Foam templates, including daily notes βββ api - Experimential API to compliment with the wiki, currently prototyping in local devenv. β βββ lib βββ overrides - theme overrides β βββ assets β βββ hooks βββ src - Source Markdown and other files βββ garden - Digital garden β βββ daily-notes β βββ posts (default directory for blog posts, see docs) βββ multiverse
I’ll be open this up for community contributions once I ironed up the needed infrastructure on it soon.
MPL-2.0 for the source code, CC-BY-SA-4.0 for the wiki content + original media, unless otherwise specified.
π€ About @ajhalili2006
- Repository URL: https://mau.dev/andreijiroh-dev/wiki
- Repository type: foam
- # Resources: 40
- Website: https://wiki.andreijiroh.xyz/{path}