# My Garden setup Sensitive information is stored in a "walled garden", an encrypted keybase git-submodule. But couldn't [combine existing repo with it](https://delitescere.medium.com/combining-an-existing-git-repo-with-keybase-encrypted-git-2841609166f0), due to GitHub's jekyll complains, as explained in [[foam]]. So it has to happen in 2 steps: clone and attach submodule locally only. ## Walled Garden Command to attach my walled Garden: ```bash git submodule add -f keybase://private/ankostis/GardenWall Walls ``` The `-f` is needed because `.gitmodules` is in `.gitignore`, for it must not be pushed to GitHub repo. [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [foam]: foam.md "Foam" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"