# Welcome to this [[Agora of Flancia]]! An [Agora](https://flancia.org/agora) is a Free Knowledge Commons built by the people, for the people. Which people, you ask? Us [[Flancians]] -- and our friends! ## Navigating - See the list of all [[Nodes]] and all [[Users]] in this Agora. - An Agora node tries to aggregate all resources that are relevant to a query or location. - An Agora user is a person or repository who has contributed resources. - Visit [[Journals]] for a timeline of resources that seem journal-like. - Visit [[Index]] for the community index. - Visit [[Random]] for a random node. - Or just type something on the search bar above :) You will be sent to the Node view for the matching location, which tries to surface relevant resources within the Agora and around the internet. ## To join You will need to send a [[PR]] adding a pointer to your git repository containing a digital garden or blog to [[sources.yaml]] -- or, if you don't know what that means, please reach out to @[flancian](https://anagora.org/flancian) or another member of [Flancia Collective](https://anagora.org/flancia-collective) to discuss what is needed to let us find (and import continuously) your content from around internet. Please indicate your preferred username and your acceptance of the instance's [[CONTRACT]] as of the time of writing. ***If you contribute your repository to an Agora you are assumed to be in agreement with its current [[CONTRACT]] as posted by user @agora.*** You can also write to this Agora from the [[Fediverse]] (social media) by following and interacting with an [[Agora Bot]]. ## Learn more See [[Agora architecture]] for details on how the Agora works and instructions to run your own. ## Farewell for now! Please reach out if you need anything, enjoy the Agora, and have a great day! 🍮