πŸ“• Node [[2021-03-04]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2021 03 04
πŸ“„ 1614815362.md by @bmann

An open source [[Drop in Audio]] server. User logins are via Twitter or GitHub account. Built in [[Elixir]] and [[React]].

Built by @benawad

πŸ“„ 1614888566.md by @bmann

Brave Browser bought a search engine, β€œpromises no tracking, no profiling – and may even offer a paid-for, no-ad version”.

Good timing for clearing my tabs of other [[Brave]] related stuff. This PDF white paper describes the Brave Search Team’s plans β€” [[Goggles]]:

This paper proposes an open and collaborative system by which a community, or a single user, can create sets of rules and filters, called Goggles, to define the space which a search engine can pull results from. Instead of a single ranking algorithm, we could have as many as needed, overcoming the biases that a single actor (the search engine) embeds into the results.

via Daring Fireball

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