πŸ“• Node [[2021 10 17]]
πŸ“„ 2021-10-17.md by @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️


πŸ“„ 2021_10_17.md by @vera
πŸ“„ 2021-10-17.md by @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️


πŸ“„ 2021_10_17.md by @forshaper
  • Follow the [[rhythm]] of the [[environment]].
  • What do you need to make do and mend? If you specialize in something, you will over prepare for that thing and underprepare in everything else. If you have something new, ask: how will it break? how will you maintain it? who knows how to maintain it when it breaks?
  • Prepare for the worst.
  • In Disneyland, horses wear horseshoes with a polyurethane coating that help them clop louder. Is there something that makes footsteps quieter?
  • Disney counted the number of steps that a person would walk before throwing trash on the ground- that was about thirty steps, so they make trash cans thirty steps apart.
  • Nerdwallet optimized everyday finance calculators and generators to match Google searches, so that when you search for a ‘mortgage calculator’, etc, you find Nerdwallet. Similarly, Shopify comes up when you search for a business name generator.
    1. Figure out how people find what they’re looking for. 2. Make what you have easy to find wherever they’re looking for it.
πŸ“„ 20211017.md by @ryan


  • [[Bordiga]] tried to figure out where the communist movement should go after [[WW2]]
  • some left communists reject [[democracy]] wholesale: even historic democracy was a class formation
  • the β€œleft” of [[left communism]] refers being to the left of the Marxist center i.e. the [[Comintern]]
  • [[left communists]] are critical of [[unions]]
  • [[unions]] are the atomic form of workers power but they can also serve capital interests
  • union power needs to link up with council power like in the early Soviet Union
  • the dutch [[council communists]] collapsed as a tendency
  • [[syndicalists]] were limited at a firm level whereas council communists and left communists wanted to transcend that
  • Bordiga was critical of the popular front
πŸ“„ 2021_10_17.md by @vera-logseq

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