At [[work]], and back to noding using [[wiki vim]] using my ‘terminal only’ workspace.
- [[keyboards]]: A coworker recommended the [[keychron]] [[q14 alice]] with [[jupiter brown]] switches. It looks and sounds amazing.
- [[december adventure]]
Read Where to draw the line? - by Gordon Brander
- About [[complex systems]], modularity, compositionality, and boundaries.
- Not a fan of [[Substack]], but always enjoy [[Gordon Brander]]‘s writing on [[systems]] and adjacent topics.
- A shame that Gordon canned [[Subconscious]].
Note that [[Substack]] has it’s short form posts now.
- A decent move, a combining of elements of the garden and the stream in one service.
- Essentially another walled garden version of what [[IndieWeb]] does.
I love using [[spacemacs]] and [[Emacs]].
- However, one big negative - I’m always scared to update spacemacs to latest, as well as packages from Melpa.
- Pretty much at least one important thing breaks every time that I do, and as I need this for my work, I can’t often spare that time.
- So I tend to put it off and lag behind.
I imagine there’s things I can do that would mitigate the risk and friction - I should look into those.
- One simple idea is just to have two version running side-by-side. I might be able to do that actually, I think there’s a flag you can pass Emacs to say where to look for your conf folder.
Continuing from yesterday, yeah it seems like the touch input doesn’t work great on the native Android Emacs build, either.
- So, Termux’s text input view is probably the best option for now.
- orgzly is brilliant for task management, but you don’t get the whole range of Emacs’ powers.
I’m writing this on the train to [[Bern]], after which I will make a few connections and make my way to [[Puidoux]] where I’ll join a [[party in the forest]].
- It’s going to be quite cold tonight and the party goes on until Sunday afternoon, so I’m happy I got some [[Merino]] underpants and a long sleeved shirt yesterday :)
- I caught up with [[Eerie Shell]] and [[Kris]] over messaging.
- I say [[We Will Defeat Moloch]].
- [[Food waste]] and [[gleaning]].
Writing prose in [[Emacs]] with [[Termux]] is a little weird.
- It’s because you have to workaround the fact that terminal emulators don’t generally work well with touch keyboards.
- Termux solves this cleverly with a text input view you can access by swiping left on the extra keys row.
- It’s neat, but not optimal for longer-form writing.
- Use orgzly for longer text input.
- Try Emacs native Android build again.
- Stick with it, it’s not that bad.
Going all in on [[libre software]] and [[open hardware]] is a key part of [[digital ecosocialism]].
- That said, use of proprietary alternatives may be necessary during transition.
Provisioning the [[knowledge commons]] with info on what software is good, how to use it, how to switch to it, etc, also very important.
- [[Soil]], [[composting]], and a surprise mention of [[metabolic rift]].
- It’s a well-written book - well paced, informative, humorous.
- [[Biogas]].
[[Waste]] and what you do with it is an important part of any [[system]].
This is part of why I’m finding [[Wasteland]] so interesting.
- Here the system is society.
You can try and reuse it circulate it back into your system. Or you sink it somewhere in the environment.
- It seems though, nothing is ever truly a sink - it always comes back one way or anotherβ¦
- Or you try and reduce how much of it there is in the first place.
This is part of why I’m finding [[Wasteland]] so interesting.
Watched [[Why Spaced Repetition Doesn’t (Always) Work]]
- Clickbaity title, but good points about [[spaced repetition]].
- [[2024-11-27]] took place as well (linking it so I can then go node it :)
- Interesting conversation in [[Agora discuss]]!
Watched [[Agentic Product Development]]
- Not sure I understand how the talk relates to the title.
But I like the concepts discussed a lot.
To me it felt like a description of [[IndieWeb]] without really mentioning IndieWeb.
- Except in the talk subtitle? And one side mention of IndieAuth.
To me it felt like a description of [[IndieWeb]] without really mentioning IndieWeb.
- I woke up with a headache for some reason, and it came back during the day, but otherwise I was fine.
I worked and then attended the [[end of year dinner]] with my coworkers.
- There was also a [[bowling]] afternoon event which I skipped as I felt I was too behind work and I wanted to use the opportunity to catch up.
- Even as I decided to skip it I knew that, with the passage time, I would remember the bowling event but not the afternoon working. But I decided to do it anyway as I also knew my mental state would be affected by not making progress on some tasks, and I think in the end it was a reasonable choice.
- I enjoyed dinner. I actually like my coworkers, I’m lucky in that (and many ways!).
Then I returned home and I played with [[Lady Burup]] and played the piano.
- I played [[Amores HallarΓ‘s]] for the first time in A (what I remembered/whistled) and in B (as per the recording by [[Inti Illimani]]).
- Now discussing [[reuse]]. Waste prevention.
Learned of [[Weird]] and [[Leaf]] from Zicklag on Agora Discuss.
- Very interesting!
Weird: "prosocial network based on the cornerstone of the internet:Personal websites."
- This is music to my ears.
[[Watched]] [[Why Ethical Consumerism Is a Trap]]
- It’s a trap!
- [[B Corps]] started off decent enough, but some problematic admissions recently (Nespresso?)
- [[Landfill]].
- [[Recycling]].
- [[Energy from waste]].
All of the above methods of [[waste disposal]] are problematic one way or another. Reduction of production and consumption rates really is the only solution. (i.e. degrowth).
- Still recovering from disease (flu? covid? unsure) with [[AG]] — but feeling better thankfully, both of us.
- Ended up testing [[backup restores]] for [[social.coop]] finally and it felt great! It was in the todo list for long.
- Not so much progress on [[work-work]] this weekend — which I know might sound a bit weird, why is it that I sometimes plan to work on the weekends? The truth is that some of the things I need to do I find it hard to do during the week for a variety of reasons, like meeting load. So I sometimes use the weekend to catch up. But when I don’t I have to at some point ‘let go of it’, else it weights on me implicitly.
- Spoke to my mum over [[Meet]] and it was great!
[[23]] is [[Lady Burup]]‘s day :)
- A chill day at home, with snow outside. I’m taking care of [[AG]] a bit as she’s sick.
Todo for the day:
- rest :)
fix mastodon embeds in the Agora? they are still broken after most instances updated to 4.3
- I didn’t quite fix this yet but I found two bugs doing this and made progress :)
- First, social.coop embed.js had not been updated in years. We need a step to update static content when updating the instance! I mentioned it in the room.
- Second, I filed https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/33049 against Mastodon. I don’t get how their "new style" embeds are supposed to work, embed.js seems a bit weird. Let’s see what they say.
- work: on that work document at least for one pomodoro
- work: book meetings for the upcoming week (see paper notebook)
social.coop: CWG oncall
- Some spam reports.
- No new registrations since yesterday.
social.coop: TWG next steps towards alpha.social.coop
- Hmm, what does this mean?
- I guess I should fill that form to get a VPS from iocoop now that we have joined! That sounds simple enough/fun.
- write
- read
When Blue Planet had its episode on plastic waste in the oceans, the anti-plastic public reaction gave the price of recycled plastic a huge boost.
- Interesting to think how television programmes can still have such a system changing effect.
- See also the documentary about the [[British Post Office scandal]].
- Apparently a plastic bag was found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
When Blue Planet had its episode on plastic waste in the oceans, the anti-plastic public reaction gave the price of recycled plastic a huge boost.
I hope to find the time to start participating in the [[IndieWeb Carnival]].
I like it as a concept for nudging people to write in their blogs.
It is an example of the [[Ritualize Togetherness]] pattern of commoning, too.
- Which reminds me⦠would be good to keep [[Node Club]] going.
It is an example of the [[Ritualize Togetherness]] pattern of commoning, too.
I like it as a concept for nudging people to write in their blogs.
- back to the office finally, after a few days sick working from home! it was nice going back.
Downloaded [[Wasteland]] from [[libro.fm]].
- Butβ¦ now I can’t find my headphones.
Found them!
The opening to [[Wasteland]], where he outlines the scale of waste we produce worldwide, puts me in mind of the bit in [[Doughnut Economics]] where she discusses broadening our conception of the economy to be embedded within the biosphere.
- How the economy has sources and sinks to the wider environment.
- Wasteland tells just how much of a sink we treat the planet as, as we dump our waste into it.
Finished rereading (listening) [[Doughnut Economics]].
- Still relevant and useful.
- I should write up some takeaways. (Maybe use that rubric from the OU module?)
I’m [[sick]]. Nothing serious, feels like the flu. [[AG]] got it over the weekend.
- Working from home and catching some [[Meet University]] talks, although today only until 16. There’s an all hands later I may put in the background; I told my manager I was low energy and would focus on resting half a day.
- I cut my hair, which usually makes me feel fresher, and it did. I also shaved everything except my mustache, for [[Movember]] (is it still a thing? I think so)
- I woke up sick but I worked from home anyway.
- [[Meet University]] was good!
- then I rested after work, ate something, spent time with [[Burup]] and caught up with friends
then I thought about:
- Spoke to [[Eduardo Mercovich]] about next steps, caught up with email :)
Set up coordination device for first meeting
- What’s the name of that nice modern [[doodle alternative]] again…?
- We used it in the [[twg]]]…
- [[crab fit]]!
- Update git repo in some interesting way?
- What about [[ekumen.agor.ai]]? :)
- [[cwebber]] joined [[social.coop]] earlier this week!
[[causal loop diagram]]s.
Looking at Lend Engine and MyTurn as software options for our [[library of things]].
[[wp cli]] is handy.
In a [[causal loop diagram]], where do you put actions, things that happen? I guess it’s a flow. But, what causes the flow?
- [[17]] stands for: [[Right Concentration]], [[Maitreya]] :)
- We’re planning on going to the cinema with friends today to watch [[Anora]].
Reread Robin Sloan’s article on [[Stock and flow]].
- As an analogy for garden and stream.
- Not sure if it’s an analogy to [[stocks and flows]] specifically in systems thinking, or there’s a more generic economic concept.
- Anyway - he makes a good point that it’s not good to be all stock, no flow.
- He means it in the sense of, you should post to the stream a little bit, so people know what you’re up to.
- I should consider that - I generally don’t post to social media streams, just to my journal here.
- Which I like as it remains distraction free.
- But it does reduce social interaction significantly.
Some [[social.coop]] fun on [[2024-11-15]] after work :)
- I heard and read of [[Mathilde Sanders]]
- Excited about yesterday finding:
[[Doughnut Economics]]
- Some mentions of [[Libre software]], [[knowledge commons]], [[Cooperatives]] as parts of an economy that is distributive by design.
- Some [[social.coop]] fun on [[2024-11-15]] after work :)
- I heard of [[Mathilde Sanders]]
- I [[worked]]; it was fine actually, I had a late review meeting (I don’t usually have meetings on Fridays) but it was interesting/felt worth it.
- I met [[L]]! We spent some of the afternoon together. It was very nice to see her.
I then worked on [[social.coop]], scaling up (with [[Dan]]). Then I read/wrote/coded a bit.
- Maybe did yoga? But that was [[2024-11-16]] :)
On Tuesday I went to a workshop on learning the basics of electrical repairs.
Was good to meet some other volunteers from the area.
- The round of intros took up a lot of the session thoughβ¦
- Had a bit of an overview on useful tools and basic electronic components, wired a plug, and then started repairing broken items we had brought with us.
- It’s a two parter. Next time we’ll look at using a [[multimeter]], [[PAT testing]], and the [[right to repair]].
Was good to meet some other volunteers from the area.
[[Doughnut Economics]] has a good overview of what a [[system]] is and why [[systems thinking]] of useful.
The [[Our Changing Climate]] video channel is good.
- Watched: [[Why We Need Socialism]]
- Watched: [[What Does a Solarpunk City Look Like?]]
I found a ‘task list’ (I have 7-8 at any given time, usually anything from a3 to a4, envelopes and forms and such that I reuse to write things to do later) which I sort of completed so I archived it. It had the number [[131]] on it, without further context, although it was close to a task related to Wikipedia in the Agora that I have advanced.
- It is prime in case you’re wondering :) [[prime/131]].
- Which reminds me about the notion of having prime/
be autopulled when n is a number. Hmm.
- [[AlgΓΊn dΓa]]
Noding from [[paramita]] and from [[nostromo]] while I work on the Agora tonight.
- I’m already showered and can go until the time I go to bed, probably early as I woke up at 6am due to double pages :)
- I’ll enjoy the ride for however long it lasts!
- I thought of [[2024-11-19]].
- I thought of the future.
[[agora development]]:
- fix mastodon 4.3 embeds?
- and what comes next?
- [[writing]]:
To test [[collimation]]:
- As it’s cloudy, maybe I’ll observe the distant LEDs in a construction crane ~500m away tonight.
- [[social coop hosting]]
- [[conduit]]
- [[collimate]]
- The developer of the concept of [[GDP]], Simon Kuznets, didn’t think it was a good measure of national welfare.
Microblurting with a mindmap.
- [[my blurts]]
- After trying a few different mindmap apps on Android, going with miMind for now.
- Alas, hand-writing PlantUML mind map markup doesn’t cut it for current purposes.
- The [[Holocene]] is an incredibly hospitable Earth and the favourable conditions would last for an unusually long time, were we humans not pushing the planet out of this period of stability.
- We need to change the indicator for success from ever upwards and forwards growth to dynamically thriving in balance.