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๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-30]]
  • I talked to my mum and it was great.
    • We are making travel plans :)
  • I played [[Minecraft]] with [[Timur]], I appreciated it!
  • Then I reviewed and cleaned up notes, iterated on projects, spent time with Burup. It felt healing.


๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-29]]


๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-27]]


๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-23]]
  • Traveling to the US today!
  • Yesterday I thought again quite a bit about:
    • [[light]]
      • led me to read [[photon]] in Wikipedia, very nice article!
    • [[momentum]]
    • [[entropy]]
    • Quiz: what do momentum and entropy have in common?
  • [[Waking up]]:
    • It turns out there’s going to be a community meetup in Zรผrich on [[2025-04-01]]!
    • Maybe I could check it out. For more, see the email from [[2025-03-22]].
  • I need to do somthing to bring [[todo]], [[do]], [[next action]] and such under control :)
    • To begin with I think I just need to re-pick one as the ‘root’ and start going through it and try to keep my actual priorities at the top.
    • It’s going to be painful (because of the amount of stuff I’ve amassed! and the fact that even after all this I won’t be able to have all my todos there because I have a parallel life at work…) but probably worth it, so maybe I should just get right on with it.
    • -> done! I refactored [[todo]] a bit, and went through very old todos and actually found them even done. Maybe there’s a tune to the chaos I seem to operate in after all, at least some of the time ;)
  • I think having an offline wikipedia could be nice. Or a language model that I can run locally, albeit slowly, but hey… that will come :)
  • I enjoyed reading [[The discrete charm of the Turing machine]] by [[Greg Egan]]. This was in [[Instantiation]]; previously (in February) I read [[The Best of Greg Egan]], a selection of his short stories, and enjoyed them a lot!
    • He’s definitely one of my favorite living writers.
  • Now I’m giving [[Binding Chaos]] a taste, after finding it on my [[Kobo]] and also mentioned in my long term todo mentioned above.
  • Travel day!
    • As I write this I’m on the second plane today, about to tale off from Heathrow towards Raleigh.
  • Ladu Burup’s day as I leave — I will miss her! She’s in good hands though.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-22]]
  • [[nostromo]] died today!
    • after almost dying many times.
    • I thank them for their service! beautiful computer.
    • [[paramita]] was ready to take its spot.
  • [[bouncepaw]] told me about [[xremap]] today! it looks great, like it could fix several issues I had in the back of my mind with the input layer in wayland.
  • New day but I’m working on my todos on [[2025-03-21]] :)
  • I implemented [[chill]] today (late yesterday) to set the light levels at home to a nice late night/hacking level using [[home assistant]], that was somewhere on my todo list :)
  • I read about [[router7]] by [[stapelberg]].


  • [[Astronomy]].

  • [[Listened]]: [[Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism?]]

    • I think his history and overview of how big tech firms got to where they are seems good. And like I said, very well written.
    • I take the technofeudalism stuff with a pinch of salt. Interesting, but, debatable, and probably doesn’t matter all that much whether it’s something other than capitalism or not. How do we stop it is the most important thing.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-21]]
  • [[todo]]:
    • I started packing for the [[us]]:
    • Things I want to do during the upcoming trip:
      • write in the [[zine]], I’ve been writing in my head for a while and it’s time to do some actual writing?
      • fix agora bot, hopefully earlier than the trip though?
        • I finally got to this on the flight to Durham on [[2025-03-23]] — untested, but at least I made two commits that I think should move the Agora mastodon bot in the right direction.
      • do some small FR for [[bull]]? which one?
      • fix [[betulagora]]
      • finish packing for the trip
      • check in
