πŸ“• Node [[2021-02-09-journal]]
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πŸ“„ 2021-02-09-journal.md by @bmann

Unfortunately, I have to tag this with [[February 10th, 2021]], since it just rolled past midnight, but "today" is mainly [[February 9th, 2021]] when I talk about it in this post!

Learned a very relatable term today: β€œε ±εΎ©ζ€§η†¬ε€œβ€ (revenge bedtime procrastination), a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours.

Daphne K. Lee @daphnekylee <https://twitter.com/daphnekylee/status/1277101831693275136 >

Not quite the case for me…but also some truth there.

Last night (morning?) was the final piece of the [[Mac Mini]]: memory install.

The whole office here is a mess of boxes and pulled out mess, as I now have to sort through various electronics and recycle them, and so on.

I also got two final deliveries that I had been waiting on for now. I decided to buy a [[reMarkable]] tablet. My paper notebooks ran out, and I really should have at least one device for quiet reading and note taking that isn’t a click away from Twitter. There is some retail therapy there, too.

The other delivery was [[Ubiquiti]] networking gear for my parents’ new [[Foxglove Terrace]] house. I’ve now got Ubiquiti here at home, at the [[Fission HQ]], and will install it at my parents.

Other notable events, I was part of a live show put on by [[Startup Vancouver]]. Here’s the video from Facebook. I start at around the 17 minute mark, talking about [[Fission]], what we’re building, but a lot of focus on vision.

I’ll look to get the source video and cut down a clip to just my segment.

I was down on [[Clubhouse]] https://www.joinclubhouse.com/ at the beginning of the video show, but I ended up joining today. I’m thinking of [[BBB]] as a pretty good open source equivalent, and am supposed to be helping [[Social.Coop]] document it.

I joined Clubhouse because I started getting multiple people in the last day or two inviting me to it — or asking me if I should be invited or what I thought about it. For the record, @allbombs was the first person to invite me several months back when it was still super exclusive :)

I also have Soapbox https://soapbox.social/ on my phone that I haven’t used yet. How many social audio apps can I have before I use the first one???

Had a nice Twitter thread with @tombielecki, where he found my [announce tweet for the Digital Garden version of this site](https://twitter.com/bmann/status/1303810663307972609 ?s=20), when I first put it on Fission. Wow, Sept 9th 2020 is already 6 months ago!

Just saw this. Your site is so fast! There’s a Digital Garden telegram group sharing examples etc they might want to take a look at @FissionCodes? @Mappletons @houshuang

Tom Bielecki <https://twitter.com/tombielecki/status/1359257555462049793 >

The site was a bit slow because I am using [[Cloudflare IPFS Gateway]] plus Fission hosting, which occasionally has some caching issues.

Cryptic notes for today: Claire screenshot, Courtney yay, Lance boo.

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