πŸ“• Node [[2020-11-27]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @neil/2020 11 27
πŸ“„ 2020-11-27.md by @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️


  • Read: New UK tech regulator to limit power of Google and Facebook

    • The framing of this is all wrong. It’s all about innovation, competition, consumer choice, growth. It should be about [[liberation]], [[user freedom]], [[agency]] and [[sustainability]]. Just sounds like it’ll be a weak opt-in ‘code’ that even if followed just moves the deckchairs around while the ship is sinking.
    • [[My notes]]
  • Came across [[Felt]]. Worker-owned coop building "free and open source tools for building customizable self-governing communities". Do wonder it could be better/more quickly achieved by using/contributing to existing software.

    • It’s a customizable open source software platform, a community and business, a co-op of worker-owners, and hopefully one day a platform co-op (communities owning themselves? absurd) β€” all with a purpose that puts people first. If we do it right, Felt is tech that feels good.

  • Playing some more with [[getting knowledge maps in to my weeknotes]]. This time, running org-roam-graph in the weeknotes file. I like this as a quick starter - it shows me the images based on what I’ve noted and linked, and serves as a good visual aid - these work well for me. It I wanted to spruce it up after the fact, I could.

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