- [[2022-12-23 20:21:42+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109564847887719472: -

RT @flancian
"bolo, or an autonomous community corresponding to the anthropological unit of a tribe (a few hundred individuals). This would be the basic social unit in an envisioned utopian-ecological future."

Aside: this is from 1983. Bolo + internet = interbolos.

- [[2022-12-23 20:21:45+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109564848052041612: -

[[bolo]] -> [[züribolo]] :)
RT @flancian
Wow -- this resonates with me, a lot.

This is a representation of a possible bolo.

You can totally see Zürich in it. I'd go more Bauhaus/brutalist/modern for the first few Flancian bolos, but this would do :)