- [[2022-12-04 17:57:36+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109456697355574190: -

"What do you mean when you say we found [[Maitreya]]?"

From the Chronicles of Flancia, 2023.

- [[2022-12-12 18:16:44+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109502071077412088: -

Flancia is dedicated to #Avalokiteshvara and to [[Maitreya]].

- [[2022-12-14 20:14:58+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109513860623660118: -

When it happens, please remember [[Maitreya]].

- [[2022-12-14 20:22:40+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109513890899262319: -

Like [[Maitreya]], [[burning]]!

- [[2022-12-16 10:51:58+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109522971424999561: -

I saw clearly that [[Maitreya]] will disarm [[Moloch]].

- [[2022-12-17 20:28:08+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109530899314734195: -

On [[Avalokitasvara]] ~ [[Avalokiteshvara]]:

> The only Mahayana deity that has entered the worship of ordinary Buddhists in Theravada countries is Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. In Ceylon he is known as Natha-deva and mistaken by the majority for the Buddha yet to come, Bodhisattva [[Maitreya]]. The figure of Avalokitesvara usually is found in the shrine room near the Buddha image.


- [[2022-12-23 23:46:32+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109565653339642962: -

"Si la jara roja es [[Maitreya]], la flecha verde es [[Tara]]."

- [[2022-12-25 16:31:11+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109575266069632741: -

like [[Maitreya]] burning

- [[2022-12-25 16:36:15+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109575286024297864: -

Tengo dos jaras: [[Maitreya]] y el [[Agora]].

Las que tengo, soy, o trato.

- [[2022-12-26 19:23:26+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109581605692230406: -

I love you [[Maitreya]], thank you my friend!

- [[2023-01-11 15:30:16+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109671285822921823: -

[[Lady Burup]] and [[Maitreya]] are near each other in the Agora.

- [[2023-01-26 23:52:02+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109758193476402728: -

[[Thich Nhat Hahn]]:

"In the 21st century we will have to practice meditation collectively: as a family, a city, a nation, and a community of nations.

The Buddha of the 21st century, [[Maitreya]], the Buddha of love, may well be a community rather than an individual. Sanghas that practice [[loving kindness]] and [[compassion]] are the Buddha we need."

- [[2023-01-26 23:53:09+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109758197910357380: -

[[Thich Nhat Hanh]]:

"In the 21st century we will have to practice meditation collectively: as a family, a city, a nation, and a community of nations.

The Buddha of the 21st century, [[Maitreya]], the Buddha of love, may well be a community rather than an individual. Sanghas that practice [[loving kindness]] and [[compassion]] are the Buddha we need."

- [[2023-01-28 22:57:42+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109769304472009977: -

I dream of a #Revolution led by [[Maitreya]] y [[Avalokita]].