- [[2022-07-14 23:30:43]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!LrSlpgPruzcRvucsiG:matrix.org/$IoPFBQjwCkBWe6ugu74htdlQETbtaFxZH7apUozfHFc)): - thanks! I've been meaning to take a look at [[poetry]], I read it's the best way to package python nowadays? but I also maybe read some unsure positions - [[2022-08-21 23:41:40]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!LrSlpgPruzcRvucsiG:matrix.org/$5JcarLVt497h7NrphoOch2mVrHPk078X6giqiE1S3x4)): - moonlion.eth (vera) 🍄: production now also runs on [[poetry]], thanks for the PR. I also updated run-prod.sh to run npm run build (it was missing) and added 'npm install' to the README, let me know if any of this is unexpected (but I think it makes sense in the new setup) - [[2022-11-04 20:56:00]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!zPwMsygFdoMjtdrDfo:matrix.org/$vM1TDYmf-TNFuaGjTGyzx-Xm-gsD_4huc8mLuAOf1PU)): - my other projects run on [[poetry]] - [[2022-11-12 00:42:00]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!zPwMsygFdoMjtdrDfo:matrix.org/$VxIrzPLnz4DyJAt-jkx6sDMGtdKI2xrrAcISykS9e_Q)): - I used to use 'bare' virtualenv, and now I use [[poetry]]