Generative AI services provided by Mistral AI. To save a generation into the Agora, for now please copy/paste into the document Stoa below. The concept of "information-as-fundamental" is the idea that information is a fundamental building block of the universe, alongside matter and energy. This perspective is rooted in the belief that information is not merely a byproduct of physical processes, but rather, it plays a crucial role in shaping the very fabric of reality. At the heart of this concept is the idea that information is inherently structural and organizational. It can be used to describe the arrangement of particles, the behavior of systems, and the patterns that emerge in the natural world. In this sense, information helps to give shape and form to the material world, and it can be seen as a kind of "glue" that holds the universe together. One of the key proponents of this view is physicist [[John A. Wheeler]], who famously stated that "it from bit" - the idea that all things physical are ultimately information-theoretic in nature. Wheeler argued that the fundamental nature of the universe is not described by fields or particles, but by information and the relationships between different pieces of information. Another influential figure in this field is mathematician and computer scientist [[Claude Shannon]], who is often credited with laying the foundations of information theory. Shannon's work focused on the quantification of information and the development of methods for transmitting and storing information efficiently. His work has had a profound impact on fields ranging from telecommunications to computer science to statistical physics. The idea of "information-as-fundamental" has also been explored in the field of quantum mechanics. Physicists have discovered that at the quantum level, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously - a phenomenon known as superposition. This property can only be described using mathematical equations that are fundamentally informational in nature. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the idea of using information-theoretic approaches to understand the behavior of complex systems, from biological networks to social systems. By modeling these systems as information-processing networks, researchers hope to gain new insights into their behavior and develop more effective ways of predicting and controlling their outcomes. Overall, the concept of "information-as-fundamental" represents a profound shift in our understanding of the nature of reality. By recognizing the central role that information plays in shaping the universe, we can begin to develop new frameworks for understanding the world around us - frameworks that are more flexible, more powerful, and more deeply rooted in the fundamental fabric of reality.