# Attendance - [[flancian]] - eduardo from argentina - currently in switzerland - day job is sre, background in sysadmin, unix/linux - more like a hacker, hacker of things - spent 9 years in a company - since 2 years out of the bubble - feels old school - python server side stuff - interested in the web3, dweb approaches - [[vera]] - from [[portland]] - radical anarchist, @flanciavera on twitter - [[especifismo]] anarchism, federation like - been into crypto since ~2009, mined 50 btc on a laptop at one point :) - into distributed/federated systems - [[udit]] - with hypha since the beginning, that's 2019/late 2018 - background in [[electrical engineering]] - working on product/project management, research, product strategy at hypha - [[projects]] - [[compost]] - [[cosmos]] - [[speculative fiction]] - https://fromlater.com - https://memory-work.com - https://solidarity.tech - was thinking of having a [[web ring]] here - [[mondegreen]] [[web brain]] - [[benhylau]] - (we've met before) - interested in alternate forms to [[web rings]] that are more distributed, going beyond - how can we ## Agora - nodes are entities - just text; a freeform text label - [[pubsub]] topics - publish anything by publishing canonical wikilink - global presence, out of social media into the web as a holistic concept ## Solidarity - [[merveilles]] town web ring is a nice example of a web ring - https://webring.xxiivv.com/ - flancian: - webring as just the presentation layer - curated experience through a community - [[knowledge futures group]] - [[metasj]] - [[underlay project]] - [[udit]] web rings - one concern with the distributed approach: high level of curation needed - see web rings as an onramp - would like to make sure they work with [[distributed press]] - webrings with a purpose - examples: - webring of wealthy individuals willing to contribute to UBI - gamify them - democratically controlled - more inclusive so people can participate - [[accessibility]] - people submitting to moderation queue ## UBI - current projects - https://joincircles.net/ - https://www.gooddollar.org/ - wealthy individuals giving directly - [[effective altruism]] - potential projects - are there better ways to do similar things? - [[udit]] some concerns over whether it could backfire and end up preserving existing power structures - [[vera]] if we have UBI it needs to be decentralized / not nation based - [[flancian]] how do we help/solve the problem of matching people with interesting projects in this space? - [[udit]] it is a very large problem, economics as a field tries to tackle solving coordination/matching problems - [[vera]] we need to have problems be defined and contextualized by the people that are suffering them - is there a generic structure that could aid in the quest to find solutions to people's problems? - [[vera]] UBI seems like the most efficient path forward - [[effective altruism]] - how to solve problems - internet freedom - I have time/resources where do I go? What do I do? - value flow - https://valueflo.ws/