# Fellowship of the Link - a [[meeting]]. - #go https://meet.jit.si/fellowship-of-the-link - #calendar https://plex.collectivesensecommons.org/calendar/ - #when Wednesdays at [[6PM UTC]] - Attending: [[x]], [[y]] - Start recording, we're currently using Jitsi and that works best with a [[Chromium]] based browser. - Last thread / previous notes: https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link?view - Threads from last time we would like to pick up: - [[high leverage opportunities]] we can spot - [[generative commons]] - [[generative linking]] (inferring links) - [[general commons agreement]] https://bra.in/8qeNWy - [[wishlist]] approach to worldbuilding - [[Jerry Michalski]] let's discuss: note sharing. - [[Aram Zucker-Scharff]] let's discuss conventions? Added something in [[massive wiki]]. - volunteered https://tftmap.massive.wiki/map/aram_zucker-scharff - [[Aram Zucker-Scharff]] would like to generalize the archiving tool / link card generator he's been working on. - [[Flancian]] would like to discuss [[Interwiki]] links and the [[common hub]] approach for search and entity resolution - [[SJ]] wants to discuss / address this at hacking days at Wikimania in August (you're all invited to Singapore ;) https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2023:Wikimania - #push [[fotl threads]] - define: - [[wiki]] / root URL - /now - [[issue tracker]] / [[project tracker]] URL - [[github]] by default? # [[2024-01-10]] - Attending: [[Jerry Michalski]], [[Flancian]], [[Chris Aldrich]], [[Peter Kaminski]], [[Bentley]] - [[Jerry Michalski]] - https://bra.in/4qeA7y call ~2w ago - On functional systems of governance. Tomorrow's call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4154650256?pwd=Zm5DWGRJcmFmZGtBMmI1Wkx2WUQyZz09 - [[Peter Kaminski]] on democracy in America :) - We don't have modern discussions about anything *except* democracy - [[Conference about democracy in Iceland]]: [Futures of Democracies](https://framtidarsetur.is/futures-of-democracy-reykjavik-2024/) - [[Hank Kune]] - Opaque practices (by now) existed like Athenian [[Sortition]] and [[Ostracism]] - [[Swiss democracy]] - https://www.politicalcompass.org/ - Jury duty is per sortition; could public office work the same way? - But in a capitalist society that could mean people losing on "making more money" and that would be seen as an issue - book: [[institutional revolution]] - [[peter kaminski]] on [[decentralization]] as the link between [[democracy]] and the [[fellowship]] :) - [[flancia]] - [[bonfire]] <- [[fediverse]] software with a focus on governance, [Bonfire](https://bonfirenetworks.org/) - on countering [[illiberal democracy]] - [[fake democracy]] - [[cuckoo pattern]] https://bra.in/5jk43Z - Q: are capitalism and democracy complementing each other or countering? - [[debt: first five thousand years]] - [[chris aldrich]] two kinds of debt, one internal (to a community?) and the second of which is the more capitalist. The second has taken over all day to day functions. - [[The Great Transformation]]: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (1944 TGT) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSuz01zvOjE - The [[Milei]] question - The worries - The potential of [[anarchism]] https://anagora.org/what+is+the+relationship+between+decentralization+of+ownership+and+governance+and+the+many+kinds+of+anarchism - [[Chris Aldrich]] on The [[paradox of tolerance]] as it applies to late stage capitalism (it does not allow other forms of economy/allocation to coexist). - [[Bentley Davis]] maybe capitalism fears alternatives that imply its vanquishing/replacement. - off-topic link for Jerry and me (and whomeber else) later, ye olde youtube recommendation gave me this interesting-looking video: "Turbo Compound Piston Engines. Almost magic tech. - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbMgwDIdScY The first comment is an amazing and dense recollection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbMgwDIdScY&lc=Ugzs7M838Khq1pNTFj94AaABAg - [[critiques of capitalism]] can work / be accepted; but the moment you talk about replacement, you get shut down with 'this is impossible'. - [[Peter Kaminski]] question about the Agora and [[bonfire]] - [[Bentley]] on the problem of [[capitalism]] as a word/label - Profit and profit-seeking in particular is not necessarily implied by the word - [[Profitism]] as an alternative for the buggy implementation we have now - [[Toxic capitalism]] which can devolve into [[Fascist Capitalism]] - [[Chris Aldrich]] the term didn't exist before Marx followers started using it - On how to migrate systems - On the difficulty of upgrading complex systems in-place - Options: - model hard and try to do it piecemeal/locally - [[walkaway]] / [[omelas]] approach - ignore political lines / go by geographic criteria like watershed - by affinity of people/groups/neighborhoods/cities even at a distance (cities have more in common, etc.) - Moving from 'majority first' to 'enough people to solve a particular problem first'. - [[15%]] as the tip-off point for social change - Where does this come from? - Maybe https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/06/the-tipping-point-when-minority-views-take-over/562307/ - [[jerry]] https://bra.in/8jMkXe a scan of "Organisation du travail", par M. Louis Blanc, doesn't seem to have embedded OCR: http://davidmhart.com/liberty/OtherWorks/Blanc/1840-OrganisationTravail/Blanc_OrganisationTravail1840.pdf # [[2024-01-03]] - [[peter kaminski]] [[flancian]] [[aram]] [[jerry]] - [[plex dispatch]] https://plex.collectivesensecommons.org/ - [[flancian]] Welcome to 2024! - Two changes today, that we might or might not choose to stick with: - Conference is in https://framatalk.org/fotl instead of https://meet.jit.si/fellowship-of-the-link. - Notes are at https://doc.anagora.org/fotl instead of https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link. - Maybe we could keep the same doc? - We might want to at least import all the history here? - Thoughts? - [[jerry]] lots of calls in this beginning of [[2024]] - project: [[everyday]] -- a wiki-like collaboration environment - [[peter kaminski]] - [[indieweb meetup]] took place in [[san diego]] - it was very cool, suggest you check out [[indieweb]] more if you haven't - (this is how [[aram]] found us) - cool tech, but the community is not much into diffusion/proselitization - can it be adopted easily? - [[indieauth]] could be -- indeed it seems like [[django]] is doing this - [[aram]]: on the [[bus factor]] of some of the projects - [[indielogin]] stopped working for Pete at some point - it's hard to tell how much of the common infrastructure they are building is sustainable/will still be around in a few years? - how hard would it be to re-bootstrap into e.g. [[indieweb2]]? - [[webmentions]] -- can be saved with e.g. [[brid.gy]] - Q: who runs community infrastructure well? - does [[Mastodon]] provide examples? - individual instances go down, but the network remains - [[indieweb]] should be as resilient - can indieweb endpoints be redirected from multi-user-hosts to single-user if you go that way? do multi-user-hosts exist? - [[aram]] wants something more like [[nostr]] - on the issues of [[governance]] / scaling organizations involved in lowering bus factors - linked to [[training]] and [[documentation]] - on the issue of [[succession planning]] - [[hachyderm]] and [[krisnova]] - [[100 years site]] by [[automattic]]: https://wordpress.com/100-year/ - on the advantages of [[static sites]] for long term storage - disagreements with [[long now]] foundation - [[aram]] will write something down about this :) - [[college media]] - [[aram]] shares screen, hopefully :) - [[song obsessed]]: https://songobsessed.com/ - #git https://github.com/AramZS/songobsessed - [[jerry]] https://www.liveplasma.com/ # Older - See https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link. - #pull [[fellowship of the link]] ## Scratch space - #pull [[fellowship of the link]] - that has lots of actual notes for meetings, these are random chat logs and other items that we factored out for one reason or the other - (HedgeDoc used to be hitting note size limits, but not anymore). - [[names]] for the project that has already started :) - [[flancian]] my proposal is, well, you know what I call it :) - would love to discuss [[agora protocol]] with you - is the heart of the [[Agora]] - it is what you and me define it to be :) - feedback welcome :) - where are you [[feeds]] and [[gardens]]? - [[flancian]] note my daily feed shows up as part of https://anagora.org/journals which is an aggregation of daily posts by all users, - if you tell me about your feeds and gardens I could add them (like everything Agora related, everything is optional always and offered as a token of friendship!) - [[commonplace books]] - [[mathew lowry]] let's create some distributed map of thinking tools: - https://chat.collectivesensecommons.org/agora/pl/78gprua18frkpc6shrxabricqo ![](https://doc.anagora.org/uploads/upload_888c6fbb5753be41ddb48290c35d505d.png) - #jm https://bra.in/5qeDMg - #jm [[spider charts]] - looks like a [[polar chart]] - what are the axes? visualization, openness, artificial intelligence, etc. ML: also the different notetaking techniques CJA: What are the building blocks and affordances they provide so one can have a progressively improved/complex experience - See start of this at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hY2V5NoSS713R2wzcjBE2q5KZIlfMOPFtL9g6Gaop_o/edit#gid=0 - solving for [[sustainability]] / [[viability]] of a healthy knowledge ecosystem - funding, donations between readers and writers - nested conversations, how to solve for: - [[communities]] - [[startups]] / companies - [[jerry michalski]] camp - People we should invite to join? - invite [[indieweb people]] - [x] re-invite [[dan whaley]] ## AIs ~ [[action items]] - AI(flancian): post about [[adversarial interoperability]] in [[ogm]] - AI(flancian): add the following to the Agora as one of the search "providers" :) - [[chris aldrich]] https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Afollows%20-filter%3Areplies&src=typed_query&f=live - sync about approach / instructions for [[betaworks]] [[2022-08-16]] event - -> https://wiki.rel8.dev/scribing_tools_for_thinking - AI(jerry michalski): give access to github repo? - Create a survey about uses of tools for thought and note taking? - (discussed [[2022-08-11]]) ### Chat log Jerry Michalski says: https://flowimmersive.com/tricast Fellow Jitster says: (note for later: Obs 27 has issues) Jerry Michalski says: https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link Jerry Michalski says:the book in progress: https://personalknowledgegraphs.com/#/page/Personal%20Knowledge%20Graphs mathew says:Shipping containers for thoughts https://anagora.org/ramon-llull Jerry Michalski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Gessner Chris Aldrich says:You want this reference Mathew: Lima, Manuel. The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge, 2014. https://papress.com/products/the-book-of-trees-visualizing-branches-of-knowledge mathew says:πŸ‘ Chris Aldrich says:Some additional names for your history of knowledge list: Aristotle, Porphyry, Isidore of Seville, Lambert of Saint-Omer, R. Llull, Joachim of Fiore, F. Bacon, C. Linnaeus, R. Descartes, E. Haeckel, Thomas Harrison, Leibnitz, Beatrice Webb Jerry Michalski says: https://wiki.rel8.dev/rel8_pioneers Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://www.rel8.dev/ 20:02 me says:(feel free to queue topics in https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link?edit ) 20:02 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:underlay and interlay projects Jerry Michalski says:Sam Klein 20:13 me says: https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link?edit 20:14 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://mathewlowry.medium.com/from-personal-to-social-knowledge-graphs-a-vision-statement-draft-fc86ef4f7022 Jerry Michalski says: https://indieweb.org/Webmention Jerry Michalski says: http://microformats.org/ Jerry Michalski says: https://blot.im/ 20:34 me says:nice: https://github.com/davidmerfield/blot me says:that exists 20:36 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:yes, I just spent some time discovering who created Blot. he hides well 20:37 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:The design and UI portions of this are definitely paramount. 20:37 mathew mathew says: https://www.otherlife.co/pkm/ 20:38 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says: https://blot.im/ 20:38 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://www.otherlife.co/pkm/ Jerry Michalski says: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinmatthewmurphy/ 20:38 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:The better link for that with some commentary on those who are in the note taking space: https://via.hypothes.is/https://www.otherlife.co/pkm/ 20:39 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:nuggets! 20:39 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Andy Matuschak 20:39 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:nuggets, narratives and points of view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmId2x6JSQE&feature=related 20:39 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Mathew, you should also take a look at Ward Cunningham's FedWiki spaces which are very similar to Andy's notes. Chris Aldrich says:Ward's system has a set up with those small ideas linked within a broader wiki and he's got a programatic "Markov Monkey" that traverses all these nodes on the linked graph. 20:41 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:that friendly giant vampire squid Jerry Michalski says:and I do think vampire squids have gotten a bad rap... 20:42 ~SJ ~SJ says:πŸ˜ƒ 20:42 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:FedWiki, Cult of Roam, Zettelkasten, Brain.... 20:43 me says:they should all be able to contribute to the Commons πŸ˜ƒ 20:43 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:this is modern literacy Jerry Michalski says:how do we get everyone working/thinking this way? 20:46 mathew mathew says:FWIW, the myhub curation bookmarklet is "default publish", not "save draft". 20:47 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:FriendFeed! 20:47 mathew mathew says:πŸ˜ƒ 20:47 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:cash HC economy Jerry Michalski says:oh right! the question we asked earlier! πŸ˜ƒ Jerry Michalski says:what is your inbound stream? defining that Jerry Michalski says:from all sources 20:49 me says:like an [[agora view]] 20:49 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:easy to curate 20:49 mathew mathew says: https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*FbdJHEnIedP3xTjNO70JUA.png 20:49 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:I want the [[agora as a service]] so I can have my own, but with out the admin tax and overhead. 20:49 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Knowledge Navigator's assistants 20:51 mathew mathew says:So do we need to be building tools for Adversarial Interoperability 20:52 me says:+1 me says:there's two possible assistants mentioned in the Agora currently that I know of: [[socrates]] (a teacher) and [[robofriend]] (a maintainer) 20:53 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:nice! Jerry Michalski says: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/10/adversarial-interoperability 20:55 me says:"having a somewhere" me says:knowledge contexts 20:55 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://www.thebigfungus.org/ Jerry Michalski says:that's one of my wheres; the other is my Brain Jerry Michalski says:intimacy gradient Jerry Michalski says:maps to who gets to see what Jerry Michalski says:link to the piece, Chris? Jerry Michalski says: https://indieweb.org/Microsub Jerry Michalski says:View-Master Jerry Michalski says:HMW really use power tools well? Jerry Michalski says:composability Jerry Michalski says:bespoke vs off the shelf Jerry Michalski says: https://micro.blog/ 21:03 me says:what I'd like to do is fund services where you can pay for others as well me says:as in, you pay $20 for micro.blog and that way three other people don't have to pay 21:05 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:nice Jerry Michalski says:pay it forward Jerry Michalski says: https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z2QvtE9w5zs49x7WUeG8Ut1vywHDLiG2Wkm9p 21:06 me says:(need to go in about five minutes) 21:08 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says: https://indieweb.org/social_reader Chris Aldrich says: https://indieweb.org/Microsub Chris Aldrich says:For the [[adversarial interoperability]] fans: https://granary.io/ Chris Aldrich says:Here's that Webmention notification on my site from Andy's: https://boffosocko.com/2021/07/03/differentiating-online-variations-of-the-commonplace-book-digital-gardens-wikis-zettlekasten-waste-books-florilegia-and-second-brains/#comment-351147 Chris Aldrich says: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog 21:12 mathew mathew says:that's absolutely the mysilio business model mathew says:(thinking tool on Solid pods) 21:13 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:this is, after all, the FoTL 21:14 mathew mathew says:πŸ˜ƒ 21:14 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:it's links all the way down 21:14 mathew mathew says:link s primary, the rest is context 21:14 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:This post has a short video that gives an overview of how social readers and webmention work in conjunction with one's website using small building blocks loosely joined: https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/26/a-twitter-of-our-own-at-oerxdomains-2021-conference/ 21:15 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:mycelial interconnections Jerry Michalski says:yes! 21:15 me says:a [[fungus view]]? me says:or a personalized [[portal]] https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link?edit 19:05 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://chat.collectivesensecommons.org/agora/channels/ogm-fellowship-of-the-link Jerry Michalski says: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RAourQe_MKh0uWomLsS_V5ea3zm30g8paE49X56jIHs/edit Jerry Michalski says: https://www.fellowshipofthelink.org/ 19:12 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says: christopherjaldrich@gmail.com is probably a good email address for that 19:13 Diego Diego says: delahera@gmail.com 19:14 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://bra.in/4jXVP2 19:20 me says:that's [[rel8]]? 19:31 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Does The Brain have a feed coming out of it to be able to find recent things someone else has put into it? 19:33 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:nyet. I asked Harlan for an RSS feed 15 years ago. still doesn't have one Jerry Michalski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Toulmin#The_Toulmin_model_of_argument Jerry Michalski says:Instathink? 19:40 me says:pixelfed πŸ˜ƒ plus mastodon with annotations 19:40 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:oh! one more project to describe: Think Camp 19:40 me says:and pixelfed and mastodon interop πŸ˜‰ 19:40 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:watch parties Jerry Michalski says:we're drowning in the infotorrent Jerry Michalski says:turning streams into gardens Jerry Michalski says: https://docdrop.org/video/XnoN7mCu9Yg/ Jerry Michalski says: https://bra.in/5pxdW6 19:48 Diego Diego says:lindylearn 19:49 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://lindylearn.io/blogs ?? 19:50 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Jerry, closer to this: https://annotations.lindylearn.io/new/ 19:51 me says: https://lindylearn.substack.com/ has some background 19:51 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:annotation tools https://bra.in/6qaBmj Jerry Michalski says:reminder: I playfully bought this domain for these projects: https://www.playnz.dev/ Jerry Michalski says:also πŸ˜ƒ Jerry Michalski says:re the planes that Diego is describing Jerry Michalski says:I also like that the Big Fungus indirectly points to psilocybin... 19:55 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:The indieweb has explored the idea of mushrooms and a mycelium network Chris Aldrich says:which is a similar sort of analogy to what we're discussing 19:56 Diego Diego says:what is the problem of how to resolve them? 19:56 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:is this about content addressability? Jerry Michalski says:love that, Chris Jerry Michalski says:is Tantek still in the middle of the indieweb? Jerry Michalski says:if so, he's an old acquaintance. we can invite him in 19:58 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Tantek is definitely in the center and on a daily basis. 19:58 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:schweet! Chat and Polls Chat Polls Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Ida Josefiina 20:05 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says:that's a lot of us πŸ˜ƒ 20:05 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/ida-josefiina-40824a75 Peter Kaminski says:"X-Risk" https://mitpress.mit.edu/9781913029845/x-risk/ 20:06 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says: https://www.supermind.design/database 20:07 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Supermind in my Brain: https://bra.in/4qEXDK 20:07 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_strength_and_readability_report Peter Kaminski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apgar_score (1952) 20:10 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Apgar Score (1952 Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration) 20:10 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says: https://eastgate.com/Tinderbox/ 20:10 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinderbox_(application_software) Jerry Michalski says:Mark Bernstein Jerry Michalski says:who wrote this in 1988: http://www.eastgate.com/garden/Enter.html ! 20:11 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says: http://www.eastgate.com/storyspace/index.html 20:14 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storyspace 20:14 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says:"Familiar hypertext tools support calligraphic hypertext, hypertext that begins without links and lets the writer link things that should be connected. Storyspace 3 adds sculptural hypertext tools as well. Sculptural hypertext begins with densely linked bundles like decks of cards, from which the reader might select pages in any sequence. But Storyspace hypertexts aren’t just random: writers can remove links and enforce constraints so the hypertext organizes itself. Sculptural hypertext encourages painterly narrative in which the writer controls what she knows to be necessary while relaxing control over the reader when control might not be needed." 20:14 Fellow Jitster Fellow Jitster says:(taking notes in https://doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link , but I started late) 20:18 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AY6y-uHUQE82zfLgwZLk29VPTaI1P5AMo6HT8zz1WDU/edit 20:18 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:this is the spreadsheet where we tested the radar chart, with some dimensions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hY2V5NoSS713R2wzcjBE2q5KZIlfMOPFtL9g6Gaop_o/edit#gid=0 20:19 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says:Here is our project planning/coordination wiki (short-term URL, obviously): "Project plan - Mapping the thinking tool landscape with collective intelligence" https://dainty-sable-264aa3.netlify.app/project/project_plan 20:19 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Flancian is on a roller coaster! 20:20 me says:haha, joined from the office today so away from my better tested equipment πŸ˜‰ 20:20 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says: https://www.scrintal.com/ 20:22 jackpark jackpark says: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m56SHPGgeFfB_3ToO9-VB9Yu266wtS5-9xlwaFeJ68k/edit?usp=sharing is a link to a user's manual for LiteNet which is a topic map-based pkm - I don't push it because it needs more work. jackpark says:scrintal just sent me an invite to join 20:23 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says: https://lu.ma/tftrocks-oct22 20:23 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:T4T interop 20:25 jackpark jackpark says:By way of the superminds youtube, discovered this https://www.gyanai.com/ 20:26 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Gyan founder is Joy Dasgupta Jerry Michalski says:one version of Marc-Antoine explaining HyperKnowledge: https://hyperknowledge.org/HyperKnowledge.mp4 20:29 jackpark jackpark says: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-dasgupta-67722833/ 20:29 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:Who needs word police when we can go "full Humpty Dumpty": "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less."β€”H. Dumpty (via Lewis Carroll) 20:29 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:Calvinball for words! 20:29 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says: https://boffosocko.com/2011/08/16/meaning-according-to-humpty-dumpty/ 20:30 Peter Kaminski Peter Kaminski says:non sequitur, Nick Milo has had two really good PKM / LYT conferences this year (consider getting on one of his mailing lists to hear about more). The conferences are free and have recordings. Peter Kaminski says: https://www.linkingyourthinking.com/conference Peter Kaminski says: https://www.linkingyourthinking.com/idea-exchange-conference 20:30 jackpark jackpark says: https://twitter.com/the_LYT_way 20:33 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:For [[deep backlinks]], [[Kevin Marks]] has some interesting/useful prior art that is working in a few places on the web: https://indieweb.org/fragmention 20:39 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:I kept misreading it as "fragmentation" it's frag mention! Jerry Michalski says:tx, Chris Jerry Michalski says:superforecasters πŸ˜ƒ Jerry Michalski says:rating assertions over time for their accuracy Jerry Michalski says:including the cost of lives lost Jerry Michalski says:actuarial? Jerry Michalski says:heresy! hashtags are not enough 20:50 me says:lexon 20:59 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says: http://lexon.tech/ 20:59 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says: http://www.lexon.tech/ 20:59 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:more precise, hidden speech Jerry Michalski says:codes Jerry Michalski says:coded speech Jerry Michalski says:what's the right term for coded speech? I'm not finding the right things Jerry Michalski says:Coded Language? 21:04 Marc-Antoine Parent Marc-Antoine Parent says:how is it different from dog whistle? 21:04 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:dog whistle is a type of this more general term Jerry Michalski says:the recording stopped spontaneously at the hour. I have a file w the recording here. but no notice, etc. 😦 21:07 Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich says:there's also [[code switching]] which is a cultural identity flavor of this 21:08 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:well, that didn't work. it stopped on its own, almost immediately Jerry Michalski says:guess we can't record >60 mins Jerry Michalski says:or maybe it takes two different users Jerry Michalski says:and my Brain! and my Brain! 21:10 me says:I'm working on ogm.agor.ai πŸ˜‰ 21:10 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:I get site can't be reached there 21:11 me says:it's not up yet ,sorry -- but I do have agor.ai , the idea is to run different agoras in different subdomains 21:11 Jerry Michalski Jerry Michalski says:aaah 21:11 Type a message