## 2023-08-04 - Regular Operations - Compensation Log: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QJTAcpOuEnliaHvb4fxIy_TxowBepv4EyOsJD4ZLgZE/edit?usp=sharing - Update schedule: https://share.mayfirst.org/apps/calendar/p/KG92DPwX3ww442AD/dayGridMonth/now - Moderation issues - Registration issues - Rotation of ops team activities - Communications coordinator (currently Emi) - note taking - record keeping - updating loomio - publishing minutes - updating calendars - Team coordinator (currently Matt) - coordinating meeting - setting agenda - facilitating - start with rotating coordinators within the current ops team on a monthly basis - Where to document this? - https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Community_Working_Group_Ops_Team is the place, probably