* #InterestingLinks ** [[https://github.com/Canop/broot][Canop/broot: A new way to see and navigate directory trees : https://dystroy.org/broot (github.com)]] ** [[https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust][rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. (github.com)]] * #NotesToSelf ** I forgot `cargo install` compiles everything. So while convenient, it can be quite slow. Maybe just install binaries? * #Pijul ** I've been watching this app for awhile. It will be interesting what they get up to. I like that it's in rust but I don't hear much news about it. I don't think there's enough there to switch from git * #Zellij ** [[https://zellij.dev/][Zellij website]] ** Interesting app that acts like #Tmux written in #Rust * [[org mode hyper links]] * #FlanciaMeet #Meetings ** j0lms *** [[https://github.com/danaugrs/go-tsne][https://github.com/danaugrs/go-tsne]] **** flancian ***** PCA ***** different graph libraries *** on exactitude in science **** database of artists; relations between them **** 3d **** wanting to find demo **** [[https://github.com/josiah-wolf-oberholtzer/on-exactitude-in-science][josiah-wolf-oberholtzer/on-exactitude-in-science: A 3D visualization of the discogs.com discographic corpus (github.com)]] **** ** flancian *** making agora more user friendly #AgoraUsers **** open/closed model **** want agora to exist outside a particular user model *** paramita * [[identity in a user centric model]] *