* I'm moving to the next floor this week. I might have a roomate though so it actually might be worse. We'll see. * Some random dude came up to me today and starting talking for like an hour and a half. He was a really interesting guy. He had a giant gash in his head though. * I saw today in my [ai newsletter](https://aibrews.substack.com/) that llama released [code llama](https://labs.perplexity.ai/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email) * LLMs aren't the best at generating code from scratch, but I find them indispensible for evaluating and refactoring existing code. * edited journal.vera.pink to only write markdown to disk * "Then from the eyebrows of the goddess arose Kali, terrible to behold, with disheveled hair, her mouth dripping with blood, her tongue lolling out, her eyes red with fury, her teeth like fangs, her hands smeared with blood, and her body covered with dust."