* setup [journal.vera.pink](https://journal.vera.pink/) on [railway.app](https://railway.app/) which is a cool platform for managing deployment to different environments. * It automates a docker container and automatically runs build toolchain on changes. * The starter version is like 5 bucks a month. Look pretty cool. Might use it for a few things * [tootbooster.com](https://tootbooster.com/new?message=hello%20world) is now running on railway * [sveltekit](https://kit.svelte.dev/) \+ railway is a pretty awesome setup.  * I'm waiting for [bun](https://bun.sh/) to reach 1.0 It's such a fast runtime * created [agora-server instance](https://agora-server-production-fbcc.up.railway.app/index) on railway using a fork of the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/codegod100/agora-server/blob/main/Dockerfile) and [entryfile](https://github.com/codegod100/agora-server/blob/main/entrypoint.sh)