# 2020-12-31 today, my agora finally got setup by [[Flancian]] - thank you! besides that... - had an power outage. - lasted around 2 hours; 10 AM - 12 PM CT. - read around 12 chapters of [[komi-cant-communicate]] - see [[manga]] - played a little bit of [[genshin-impact]] and [[osu]] ## happy new year's eve to all! [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [komi-cant-communicate]: komi-cant-communicate.md "komi-cant-communicate" [manga]: manga.md "manga" [genshin-impact]: genshin-impact.md "genshin-impact" [osu]: osu.md "osu" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"