# WTF Is Marxism? Dialectics Shake the World | Mortal Science tags : [[marxism]] [source](https://soundcloud.com/mortalscience/wtf-is-marxism-dialectics-shake-the-world) - Derrick says that the thing that unties Marxists historically is the [[labor theory of value]] - Ezri says that if you hold that [[socialism]] is just a form of managed capitalism, then you must think of [[exploitation]] in a different way than [[Marx]] did - Ezri says that [[dialectical materialism]] is, broadly, a [[philosophy of science]], not just social phenomena - [[Dialectics]] have been around since ancient Greek times as a means of argumentation, [[Hegel]]’s innovation is that he turns it into an ontology - Hegel’s dialectics only works on ideas because for Hegel ideas are the only things that are real - What is unique to capitalism is reinvestment and wage labor i.e. labor as a market - The business cycle appears once you get industrial production - Derrick remarks that a lot of state activity is the battling between various factions of the bourgeoisie rather than class antagonisms - “Communism is the removal of [[alienation]] from the productive realm” - Classical dialectics is about creating definitions from a description or discussion so as to move to axiomatic logic