# Kickstarter United | General Intellect Unit source : [Kickstarter United](http://generalintellectunit.net/e/067-kickstarter-united/) tags : [[organizing]] [[tech organizing]] ## Notes - Lower-to-middle management was able to be organized as they were closer to workers than CEOs - Union proposed a media blackout - Going to media is a way to use leverage - Don’t want to shoot your shot - Management was punitive, emotionally manipulated organizers - Management reaction is similar to other organizing efforts - Organizing should be joyous, otherwise organizers will burn themselves out - Organizing should be personal - Kickstarter organizers knew they were going to set a precedent - Managers and business owners are able to organize on company time, unlike workers, example of how the bourgeoisie uses worker power against itself - Managers etc. can leverage business resources as well as the state against workers ## Backlinks - [[20210111]]