# Publishing your org-roam wiki map to the web: technical details - org-roam-graph–dot is where the url of the nodes is being set. - it's hard coded to be a local file with roam-protocol at the moment - just need to override that - it uses the org file path - so would need to make use of the publish filepath - dunno how to do that in an abstracted way - do some good old clone and own for now - [X] first pass - just get it to run on publish, don't worry about urls - use org-roam-graph–build - without an arg, it'll build the full thing - [X] next pass: with web-based urls - next pass: break it into smaller images, per file - next pass: https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre-d3 - make it more visually appealing and navigable (perhaps by publishing just the .dot file and using something like [dagre-d3](https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre-d3) to visualise it) - break it up into a map per page, so you get a local map, too. To be seen whether this is a useful sensemaking aid or not. Maybe it would just be another useful navigational aid. (by making use of org-roam's function for publishing a graph just for the current page)