# Problem: no such file or directory tramp-archive After doing a [[spacemacs]] package update, I started getting this error for pretty much everything I was trying to do. > no such file or directory tramp-archive I turned on `debug-on-error` and then it seemed to be coming from [[helm]]. I searched around for it and there's a commit related to tramp-archive in helm [a few hours ago](https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/commit/6e8a9319dcad9dc817fd5b40db559e96d47ea7b4). Whatever it is, it hasn't fixed it, and perhaps it's actually the thing that has broken it. I tried to rollback to an earlier helm version, via the instructions [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42743518/rollback-package-version-in-spacemacs) - but couldn't get that to work. In the end I've just switched the completion framework from helm to ivy for now, in my `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers`. I guess I'll try helm again in a couple of days, but ivy's working fine for now. ## [2021-03-20 Sat] This is resolved upstream in helm now: [emacs-helm/helm#2394 Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, tramp-…](https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/issues/2394) So I've switched back to the helm layer and all is well. ivy was fine, while I was using it, but I'm just more familiar with helm.