# 2023-11-21 - Today at work I: - Did the usual inbox trawls and day planning. - Day planning I do with org-mode, org-agenda and org-timeline. - Prepped for the meetings for the day. - Mostly with mindmaps. - Did some strategic planning for next year. - Mindmaps and freeform writing. - Some rote work - processing incoming applications for things, updating website accordingly - always good to think with this stuff how processes could be streamlined - Minor website content change. - Minor change, but thinking about the UX of it is always interesting. - And how it affects client agreements/expectations, too. - Planning and assigning work for my team. - Bit of mindmapping combined with going through Jira. - Reviewing new features. - Code and functionality. Code review is in Github. - Testing I tend to build the feature branch locally. - Meetings. - Sometimes I jot things down on mindmap. - Somethings I record things straight into knowledge base. - Sometimes I log things straight into org as TODOs. - It's a bit haphazard to he honest. Could be improved. - Emailing external partners. - Always interesting the amount of work that goes into crafting an email to get across all the nuances of your position on something. - Distracting myself with Slack threads not really related to what I'm doing. - When I'm working, I don't log a lot in the journal, I noticed. - So experimenting with logging thoughts on work activities. - Not much detail on specifics, more reflections on activities and process. - I quite enjoy it so far. Useful to reflect. - Listened: [[Hotel Bar Sessions: Revolutionary Mathematics]] - So far, discussing frequentism and Bayesianism schools of thought in probability. - [Patient privacy fears as US spy tech firm Palantir wins £330m NHS contract | …](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/nov/21/patient-privacy-fears-us-spy-tech-firm-palantir-wins-nhs-contract) - Absolutely gutted by this. Despite all the campaigning by Foxglove and Just Treatment, fucking [[Palantir]] still awarded the contract with the NHS. - Makes me sick. This is not the kind of organisation our health service should be in partnership with.