# 2023-11-13 - Enjoying the [[This Machine Kills]] podcast. - All the episodes I've listened to have been excellent discussions on socialism and digital technologies so far. - Having another attempt at getting RSS feed publishing working for commonplace. This time without trying to use a tempdir, caused too many problems last time. - Listened: [[Kill the Ecomodernist in Your Head]] - Listened: [[No King But Ludd (ft. Brian Merchant)]] - [[Blood in the Machine]] definitely sounds worth a read. - org-roam on the mobile with Termux is going well. Using it regularly. - Going to start posting my daily journal/log in the stream as well. So it's a bit more discoverable/subscribeable. - Been reading through [[Doughnut Economics]] again. Appreciating the chapter on [[systems thinking]]. - [[Hugo Blanco]] passed away. - Watching [[Captain Fantastic]]. A lot of fun. Points out the problems of American (Western) society. Is what they have in the woods any better though?