# 2023-09-23 - Now Im writing from [[Doom Emacs]] installed in termux on Android! Not got org-roam set up yet though, so cant create links properly. Bit of a downside of org-mode/org-roam to be honest, for digital gardens, that you cant just use straight wikilinks. - [[Setting up Doom Emacs in termux on Android]] - Listened: [[W. Brian Arthur (Part 1) on The History of Complexity Economics]] - Listened: [[What happens to your waste? with Oliver Franklin-Wallis]] - What is [[ecosocialism]]? The combination of socialist politics and environmental politics. It advocates for policies and programmes that promote planetary stability, social equity and agency and democracy. - Listened: [[Working Class Voices: Season Two with Emma River Roberts]] - Ads says something in it along the lines of [[To be a 21st century socialist is to be an eco-socialist]] - [[The Nature of Technology]]. Mentioned in the podcast with W. Brian Arthur on complexity economics. Its a book of his. The combination of elements thing sounds not dissimilar to what Gordon Brander talks about in recent posts. (Concept design, [[Fragments: vertebrate technology]]) - Ha, OK, I was reading it again and he quotes Arthur in that post. Fun when these links happen.