# 2023-04-07 - Annoyed: [Friday briefing: Britain’s rivers and oceans are filling with sewage – with n…](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/07/friday-briefing-britains-rivers-and-oceans-are-filling-with-sewage-with-no-sign-of-stopping) - [[Privatisation]] doesn't work. - Bookmark: [[Climate Solutions for Cumbrian Landscapes]] - Bookmark: [[Sacred Stacks: The Art of Cyborg Community]] - Annoyed: [[UK energy strategy]] is rubbish. - Annoyed: [[Jeremy Corbyn]] banned from Labour Party. - [Starmer’s Purge: Dishonest, Undemocratic, Unwise](https://tribunemag.co.uk/2023/03/starmers-purge-dishonest-undemocratic-unwise) - Bookmark: [[The Carbon Emissions of Big Tech]] - Read: [How Big Tech’s ‘toxic’ business model is fuelling the climate crisis | Euronews](https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/12/02/how-big-techs-toxic-business-model-is-fuelling-the-climate-crisis) - Listening: [[Green Socialist Notes: Decentralization 101]] - Read: [[IPCC's conservative nature masks true scale of action needed to avert catastrophic climate change]] - Wondering: [[What is the ITU doing on sustainability?]] - Listened: [[The local businesses giving your stuff a 'second life']]