# 2021-09-12 - Listened: [[Code Red for Humanity: the IPCC Report 2021]] - They do a good recap on the [[IPCC Sixth Assessment Report]]. - They talk about how [[climate anxiety]] should not become [[climate apathy]] and the need to organise even in the face of almost certainly pushing beyond 1.5 and probably 2 degrees and things falling apart. - Because capitalism will not simply collapse along with the climate. It will likely accelerate and goose step towards its latent fascistic tendencies. - Also, interesting discussion on the merits of individual behaviour in the midst of an obvious need for large structural change. [[Horizontalism vs verticalism]]. Given they tend towards [[vanguardism]] and the need for a vertical party, good to hear some constructive thoughts on the need for [[prefiguration]] too. - [[The commodification of social activities]]. - [[Building alternative social media]] - What happened to [[Lorea]]? - "The basic aim of Lorea, n-1, and RedDry is to create free, federated, self-managed social networks. Social networks for the people who work on them." - "Lorea aims to become a network of federated networks, “a garden of shared knowledge.”" - https://2011.fcforum.net/en/outcomes11/ - Reading (a bit of) [[bolo bolo]] for the Agora [[node club]]. - Now listening to [[bolo bolo]] instead via [[Immediatism]] which is handy while I cycle and do chores.