# 2021-06-19 - [[Modern Unix]]. Really handy list of improved shell utilities. `tldr` is a great one - short and simple example-based man pages. - https://github.com/ibraheemdev/modern-unix - [[Branch]] issue #2 https://branch.climateaction.tech/issues/issue-2/ [[Solarpunk]], Big Tech resistance, AI policy, greenwashing, sustainable web craft, the [[commons]]. - purr-driven development - [[Solar Protocol]] - http://solarprotocol.net/ - A fun (art?) project that is building a network of solar-powered servers that work together to host a web site. Wherever currently has the most sun takes over the hosting. - Dunno how much of these things translate from art/fun to practical use, but good for raising questions and awareness about where we get our energy from. - Would be interesting to combine Solar Protocol with distributed content on something like [[Hyperdrive]] or [[IPFS]]. - [[Data Garden]] - **URL:** https://cyrus.website/data-garden - > By storing data nature’s way, in the DNA of plants, this work discusses the potential for truly green, carbon absorbing data storage, owned by the public rather than monopolistic corporations. - Another art project, not necessarily reality anytime soon, but I love this as an idea and a provocation.