# 2020-06-15 Fibonacci numbers ## [[The End of Policing]] There’s a pretty dark history to the origins of policing – intertwined with [[colonialism]], [[slavery]], and industrial [[capitalism]]. That legacy still exists in the police today, as well as new issues , like the militarisation of the police force. (Does the local police really need grenade launchers?) > The origins and functions of the police are intimately tied to the management of inequalities of race and class. > > — [[The End of Policing]], Alex Vitale ![[2020-06-15_20-26-25_9781784782924-eee743ba813f726f0ef78c27fdea782c.jpg]] ## [[Immanence and transcendence]] I half listened to the [[Philosophize This]] podcast on [[Deleuze & Guattari]]'s [thoughts on immanence](http://philosophizethis.org/gilles-deleuze-pt-2-immanence/) while doing other things. One thing I latched on to was transcendence inevitably introducing hierarchy into thought, and immanence being more horizontal and equalising. So I liked that. Searching for an image to go along with immanence and transcendence, I found this [blog post about immanence and transendence in Buddhism](https://jayarava.blogspot.com/2007/12/immanence-vs-transcendence.html). ![[Immanence_and_transendence/2020-06-15_20-39-53_300px-A_thaliana_metabolic_network.png]] I have no idea why they chose that image for the post, but I love it. It seems very related to the kind of images you see about [[rhizomes]]. Also, you find excellent images like this: ![[2020-06-15_21-17-48_tabula1.gif]] Also from a [Buddhist blog post](http://inebnetwork.org/transcendence-or-immanence/)! ## The end of 84K I finished [[84K]] a few days back. Loved it. It was both a page-turner and fantastically written. A very unique style. Also grim, sad, and sitting in that disconcerting place of being far-fetched but also not so far from the current truth. I think I would probably read it again - I feel like I'd discover a second layer of enjoyment a second time through. Which is a sign of a book that'll be a long-time favourite for me. Some things that will stick in my head - the patty-line. Ragers. Sponsored towns. ## [[Fibonacci numbers]] :ID: 27b83da0-9cdf-43c6-bada-577d5749f8e5 :mtime: 20211127120815 20210724222235 :ctime: 20200615214913 :END: ![[2020-06-15_22-08-50_dd4dc1f29bb9cc83bfed0cc015c7557f--spirals-in-nature-fibonacci-spiral.jpg]] These came up in discussion with E and A today, after we saw a pine cone. I've long liked the Fibonacci sequence because of how they pop up in nature. > Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings, such as branching in trees, arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple, the flowering of artichoke, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone, and the family tree of honeybees. > > – [Fibonacci number - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number#Nature)