# Tort Law In some instances, the [[law]] provides for a recovery for injuries suffered to person or to property. The most readily available example is negligence, which is why many people purchase [[liability insurance]], such as car insurance, homeowners insurance, or renters insurance. The intentional counterparts exist as well (e.g., [[battery law]]), but are not typically covered by insurance. There are a number of others too, a few examples: - [[Defamation]] - [[IP infringement]] - [[Business interference]] Most often damages are limited to [[compensatory damages]] only, but some torts (usually the intentional ones) have [[punitive damages]] available as well. [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [law]: law.md "Law" [liability insurance]: liability-insurance.md "Liability Insurance" [battery law]: battery-law.md "Battery Law" [Defamation]: defamation.md "Defamation" [IP infringement]: ip-infringement.md "IP Infringement" [Business interference]: business-interference.md "Business Interference" [compensatory damages]: compensatory-damages.md "Compensatory Damages" [punitive damages]: punitive-damages.md "Punitive Damages" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"