# Meta - [[Daniel Armengol AltayĆ³]] - [[Eduado Ivanec]] - [[Jonathan the Utopian]] # Meetings - [[2021-05-22]] - still want to write NoTSoF - make for a pattern language FIRST - intention to merge our notes once we've made them - for reading group on wednesday wanted to choose patterns - use repository - TO Dos - summary of introduction of Pattern Language - start brainstorming list for glossary of terms fo NoTSoF (or more general [[Christopher Alexander]]), write these into the [[Agora]] - them telling me some things from their last conversation - regarding information and context - how to understand what others understand, as regards context - how to see if we are on the same page - sometimes one spends a lot of time of doing things, but one doesn't realize one is not using the same concepts/ideas for a given term - how to determine a minimum set of concepts/tools to check understanding -> a "conceptual context" - what can a "minimum denominator" be in understanding that can be a common ground / context - how to deal with context question - including passing a text, passing materials to share one's own context - procedures to assemble a context - procedures to check if we have the same context - e.g. in the agora, pooling materials around a node - building bridges between conventions rather than - the exercise we are doing is about assembling different points of view on a single given topic - [[2021-04-24]] - Topic one: moving/experimenting towards a shared digital garden? - D: there are two things to distinguish - shared garden for sharing notes - discussion/threading/chat space - J: let's focus on the shared notes thing first ## Links - twitter but more user controlled ? - https://joinmastodon.org/ - https://ctznry.com/ - the original wiki: https://wiki.c2.com/ - an neat threaded hypertext project: https://www.kickscondor.com/HT2020/ - https://anagora.org/wiki-modes - - [[2021-04-03]] - [[Walter Benjamin]] - The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction - [[Hannah Arendt]] - Jonathan wants to probably read a bit about her "theory of action" - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/arendt/#AreTheAct - Copyright, Information laws, authorship, reputations, social capital - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography - memes don't have authorship - why/when is authorship important? - recognition - D thinks it would be interesting to apply the pattern language paradigm to understanding the nature of information and our interactions with it - Luciana mentioning that information discussion reminded her of Derrida - maybe intellectual three to Bateson ? - key term for Derrida 'difference' - E interested in definitions of information, information theory, etc - relation of information and power - seeing as a state - seeing people as information about them - Now pages - https://sive.rs/nowff - Idea of having one's own API - Digital gardeners - Anne le-Cunff - Telegram chat - Moa - integrating different streams/platforms of information - Indie-web, RSS - Indiekit - Plan files - .plan format, writing what one is planning to do - Carmack - famous programmer (doom, quake engines) - Primer - movie, made with 10'000, indie sci fi - Junkhead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge18Ieyi9bI&t=9s - [[Adam Curtis]] - Can't get you out of my head - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can%27t_Get_You_Out_of_My_Head_(TV_series) - Harun Farocki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harun_Farocki - J's MA project? - Structuralist vs. 'content/empotional/energetics' vs. UX aspects - maybe they form a trichotemy? - Omega rule - extension of principle of charity ? - make effort to interpret what someone else is saying as if it makes complete sense - Question about - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1320054847987646469 - [[2021-06-03]] - https://www.beeperhq.com/ - https://ghost.org/ - [[2021-02-14]] - How we relate to [[information]] - Thought connection to [[Christopher Alexander]]: systems that allow open-ended organic evolution - ample -- seperation/distinction between [[modeling]] and [[coding]] - how to get people to communicate what they need - m prime - protopian themes will always lead to the word "good" - thinking of it as a "free variable" - ethics as fundmental thing to consider - always need to incorporate when we think/speak about how a system "should be" - lyotard - Daniel's (short-) story: - an overall theme to place here at the start: the back and forth interplay between technology and society - a short choronology - began studying mulimedia engineering, was attracted to playing with tech - first study program was a mix of computer science and design, but felt like a frankenstein program - he moved to a design university to continue his study path - electronic art and digital design - got involved in touch-pad table project - this lead to being part of starting an UX design studio - in context of various projects became more interested the way people were interacting with digital projects/objects rather than on the content of those projects/objects - moved more into art - art was inspiring him and wanted to also inspire others - developed his own form of artistic practice - stopped working for brands - moved to the woods with a friend (call them X); X has more tech skill than D - together they started prototyping - D more on the research part - X on the tech part - D did a bootcamp to learn more of the tech tools - bounced back though to thinking more about the tools / human / interaction (??) side - trying to find balance - D: comment about how - artists "can do whatever they want" - society "accepts" this - D wants to have this freedom; doens't want to be an artist as a "job" or "unique role" - use of artistic techniques / practices as a medium - doing experiments - is "playting", but in the adult context - exploring and sharing without restrictions - social space of creation - E: association with "carneval" - Art as a bargain - being "decoupled" from society ? - E: wants [[revolution]], not carneval - D: if he had to use a label (which he doesn't like), it would be that he works with "concepts" ("conceptual artist") - using art as a lens, a way of seeing - D: many people are asking similar questions to the ones we are asking/discussing - how to have these [[conversations]] with groups of people? - E: how to also enable new connection making ? - and how can groups have conversations among themselves (between groups) - [[liquid democracy]], delegates ? - E: info com - [[text adventures]] / [[interactive fiction]] - [[collaborative writing]] - [[conversation trees]] - E: interested in the spectrum between writing with natural languages and programming - D: broad current interest: information and the digital context - what are structurings of information that make it useful to me and others? - E: "[[Context]]" is a key concept - key problem in CS and [[information theory]]: the question of "state" - a way to think of context: - an intersection of [[world model]]s (e.g. between communicating parties), together with - [[transformations]] (i.e. ones we do in our minds), such as - when translating terms in one's mind when someone else is speaking - tracing paths of thinking (??) - knowing who one is speaking/listening to and interpreting in this context - some things are able to be externalized as technical tools - if they are modularizable and can have an "interface" to interact and link up with - some things are somehow so entangled and enmeshed that it seems impossible to seperate them out from what happens in the mind and externalize them