#+TITLE: Window Management Window managers are programs that allow a user to interface with their computer. I currently use the [[file:../tools/exwm.org][EXWM]] window manager, but I've used [[file:../tools/bspwm.org][Bspwm]], i3 and herbstluftwm in the past. On MacOS and Windows, this is your standard user interface, just as it is with Gnome or another desktop management service in Linux. * Utilities - [[https://github.com/tadly/hideIt.sh][HideIt: shows a window by its name when a cursor is a defined region on the screen]] - [[https://github.com/tudurom/disputils][DispUtils: provides utilities for getting information about displays]] - [[https://github.com/wmutils/core][wmutils: tools for X window manipulation]]. These can be used to script your own window manager! - [[https://github.com/wertarbyte/autorandr][autorandr]] automatically detects the current display and loads the appropriate X window setup. - https://github.com/baskerville/xtitle gets x window titles - https://github.com/salman-abedin/devour script to open a tool created by a terminal on top of the terminal rather than allowing the terminal to waste space * Cool WM projects - [[https://github.com/tudurom/windowchef][WindowChef: a stacking window manager]] - [[https://github.com/gitluin/sara][Sara WM: the best features of DWM and BSPWM]] - [[https://github.com/venam/2bwm][2BWM: A fast, floating WM with two borders]] - [[https://github.com/seanpringle/goomwwm][goowmwm: get out of my way! simple and effective window manager]]. - [[https://github.com/fuhsjr00/bug.n][bug.n]] is a tiling window manager for Windows written in AutoHotkey. - https://github.com/conformal/spectrwm fun tiling wm * experiments [[https://www.notion.so/Expanding-UI-OS-e58f65ad81d94fb187cc18275b22f68c][an OS for autonomy]] [[https://www.notion.so/Dango-b46c07f3dc224f968c768885abe70e70][single flexible digital document instead of all apps]] [[https://stumpwm.github.io][stumpwm]]