#+TITLE: Remarkable An E-Reader for note taking. You can just SSH into the thing. * Mods [[https://github.com/Evidlo/remarkable_entware][entware remarkable]] [[https://github.com/Evidlo/remarkable_syncthing][Syncthing for Remarkable]] - this does not work, as remarkable uses a (remarkably, haha) unconventional format for tracking items and changes in order to cache some information. i need to write my own tool to convert between a sane format and the remarkable's proprietary one (perhaps i can store some info in pdf metadata for caching and access it on the remarkable side?). [[https://github.com/michaelmior/zotero-remarkable][zotero remarkable sync]] - wish this didn't delete from zotero and had a two way sync, bringing the PDFs back in. that would be incredibly powerful. [[https://github.com/reHackable/awesome-reMarkable][awesome remarkable]] https://github.com/ddvk/remarkable-hacks * Utilities - rmfuse: fuse filesystem for viewing the remarkable cloud - rmapi: shell for interacting with the remarkable cloud - https://duckpond.ch/nix/bash/2020/01/08/reMarkable.html: good blog post for hacking the remarkable utilities to better interact with the device;