#+TITLE: Mobile Resources for mobile devices. * iOS [[https://github.com/a1exdandy/ipwndfu-haywire][Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices]] * Android ** App development [[https://www.androidauthority.com/make-a-custom-android-launcher-837342-837342/][building a custom launcher in android studio]] [[https://parallelcodes.com/create-android-launcher-program/][another guide for a custom launcher]] [[https://www.androidauthority.com/lets-build-custom-keyboard-android-832362/][Let's build a custom keyboard for Android - Android Authority]] [[https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-custom-keyboard-on-android--cms-22615][Create a Custom Keyboard on Android]] [[https://opengapps.org/][The Open GApps Project]] Signal patch without google play services https://langis.cloudfrancois.fr/ https://icyphox.sh/blog/signal/ we can do better than signal! centralized, in the us, not so different from whatsapp... ** Setting up - DAVx5: CardDAV and CalDAV server Must disable battery optimizations, then go into other apps and select it as the default app for those, including contacts and calendar - ** Hardware - [[https://www.amazon.com/BOOX-Nova2-ePaper-Android-Reader/dp/B085NQV3NF/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=eink+tablet&qid=1594099132&sr=8-3][Amazon.com: BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper Eink Tablet, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Li]] - [[https://nexdock.com/][Nextdock]]: turn your smartphone into a laptop - only have to carry around the bigger screen and keyboard! comes with a charger! * Alternatives [[https://www.reddit.com/r/degoogle/comments/gu2kk9/lineageos_vs_e_vs_alternatives/][LineageOS vs /e/ vs alternatives - degoogle]] [[https://goodereader.com/blog/reviews/hisense-a5-e-ink-smartphone-review][e-ink smartphones!]] https://www.thelightphone.com/ :: a minimal mobile device mimic much of this design in an android launcher! i love how minimal it is and the black would look as perfect on AMOLED as it does on e-ink, if not better [[https://nanolx.org/nanolx/nanodroid][nanodroid]]: debloat your android ROM and install things like microG and f-droid regardless of the system. * Etc [[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3O6m3otNO0][Tensegrity Lamp Running ColorChord on Android with USB in C - YouTube]] https://scattered-thoughts.net/writing/pinephone-first-steps/: [[file:nix.org][Nix]], getting the Pinephone up and running with Mobile NixOS as well as some other resources : ) https://gitlab.com/Jasc0/i3-pinephone-dots: resources for using the pinephone easily with i3 - surprisingly looked fairly usable!