#+TITLE: File Systems File systems are pretty cool, they manage how you interact with your files. You can interface with new file systems without modifying your kernel by using FUSE. I use ext4 at the moment, but a future install of my operating system will make use of BtrFS or ZFS to provide automatic backups and rollbacks, potentially using RAID to preserve information across zpools. * Projects - https://github.com/ipfs/awesome-ipfs interplanetary file system configuration - https://github.com/edolstra/dwarffs allows debug tools to automatically look up debug information over the internet - ZFS: Killer https://github.com/littlefs-project/littlefs [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23180572][p2p filesystem]] [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23515997][I built an IPFS crawler with libp2p | Hacker News]] https://users.cs.northwestern.edu/~jesse/ https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/pin-a-dynamic-binary-instrumentation-tool.html