#+TITLE: Employment Advice for finding employment. https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/i03i39/motivational_success_story_how_i_got_a_170k_job/ finding a good job right out of college! https://talent.works/2017/09/28/getting-ghosted-on-your-job-applications-heres-fix-1-apply-within-96-hours/ the numbers behind apps :: apply quickly [[https://github.com/opencompany/awesome-open-company][companies that work in the open]] [[https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2020/04/30/dev/][be forthcoming about the dev experience when hiring]] * Pro tips [[https://twitter.com/slizagna/status/1356652219932626944][recruiter]] - Focus on what you have /accomplished/ and /can quantify/ rather than job responsibilities - Include graduation date! - Save resume as first and last name, not 'resume' - Tailor the resume to match the job and add key words. idea: automate this? - Always remember: a resume is for an interview, not a job. Just give them enough information to encourage them to interview you. * Great questions for interviews - "Could you resolve this merge conflict with me?" - Get a feel for their critical thinking and communication skills - Test their knowledge with git - Test their critical thinking in a pair programming session, learn about how they think about a programming language you expect them to be comfortable in.