#+TITLE: Sunday, 09/27/2020 ** 19:47 moomin research on all of teh moomin characters snufkin is god moominpappa kinda cute ** 21:36 write about these things this is life this is life this is life the clothes i wear the choices i make - why? - ** 21:46 static analysis in java enterprise applications these are generally notes on notes, i guess [[https://pldi20.sigplan.org/details/pldi-2020-papers/66/Static-Analysis-of-Java-Enterprise-Applications-Frameworks-and-Caches-the-Elephants][the paper]], it's from PLDI 2020 Static analysis of enterprise is hard due to dependency injection, inversion of control, and general obfuscation of bytecode; code generation techniques are also highly leveraged. The static analyzer for such applications should adopt: - Foundational static analysis framework - Framework independenet layer that understands the enterprise application concepts - per framework mapping to translate details of framework into concepts at the framework level ... I really don't care about Java. I'm closing this paper.