--- title: "Pace Layers" --- - #public - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fstian%2F3VbWerBVrY.png?alt=media&token=a83e0297-7fcf-4efd-88c0-7463ffaf4a1c) - **E: Time scales** #E - Relates to what I thought about earlier about writing and participating - reading Plato, versus Piaget, versus Doug Tartaryn vs Twitter, and also writing (a book, an article, a note) etc. Could there be a parallel also to media and ideas, and how they interact with each other. Could we deduce a heuristics as to how best to distribute your own efforts (consumption and production), and which kinds of production and deduction are best which level, and how ideas move from short-term to long-term, all the way to concepts like **modernism** and **metamodernism**. - Possibly related to [[E: The goal of learning should be producing]]. Also makes me think of the reading about [[Book Review: Secular Cycles]]