- Calling [[attention]] to and labeling the fear makes the fear seem more [[certain]], and thus less scary. - [[Panic]] comes from trying to [[hold]] on. - To [[conquer]] [[fear]], you must first [[relate]] to it. - You must [[smile]] at what you would [[conquer]]. - The fundamental fear is the fear of losing [[self]]. - Look at yourself without condemnation. - [[Warrior]]ship is about overcoming our feeling of woundedness - The ground of warriorship is fear itself - Fear comes from a lack of[[balance]] , synchrony, and [[unity]]. - Synchronize body and mind Setting sun: unsynchronized - No one is going to [[save]] you from you. - [[Hurt]]ing yourself is often easier than helping yourself. - The only way to [[relax]] with yourself is to [[open]] your [[heart]]. - This is like a parachute. You are alone in the sky but it must be done. - A beautiful color, a beautiful face, a fresh breeze: this is fundamental Goodness. - Do not [[bargain]] with the situation, come with your [[whole]] [[self]]. - Be with yourself for a long period of time. We rarely do this properly. Touch and go- light touch and let go. - Say 'hi, it's good to see you, goodbye' to your [[thoughts]]. - The greatest problems arise from things like denying [[aggression]] and [[lust]]. - A dip in [[pleasure]] is just more [[punishment]]. (Ice cold water toe dip when your whole body is hot) - [[Power]] that comes from [[connection]] to reality - Humans have to be the pillars, the walls, and the windows. - Arranged according to the sun ([[earthships]], etc). - We Include Everything in our practice. - You don't become [[yourself]] by trying to be yourself. You become yourself by giving up and chilling. - You are the Monarch of your world. - Diamond-like nature, indestructible - [[Sacredness]] is unconditional cheerfulness that has no other side. One side, one taste. - [[Victory]] is [[unconditional]] victory. - There is no room for [[doubt]] in the [[warrior]]. The whole [[world]] is a [[friend]]. Unconditional [[cheerfulness]]. A true warrior is never unarmed. - Entire fields are just there to justify the cages of its practitioners. Treat them gently. Gently nudge them out of their [[cage]] with [[Love]]. Even if they protest and fight back, keep on nudging. "They should have good lungs, they should have good muscles, so we let them kick and scream". - There are no gentle [[birth]]s. - 'I am' is a name used to compress. Ofc it's not real, so it needs to constantly [[deceive]] itself. - Ignorance, [[hatred]], desire= im[[balance]]. - No [[good]] and [[bad]], just [[balance]] and imbalance. - [[Ignorance]]: unable to attend to [[task]] at hand because occupied by old tasks or expected tasks - Feel the [[tenderness]] in your enemy's eyes, then cut them down with a big [[heart]]. - The wealth of full tears. - To be a good [[warrior]], one has to be [[sad]] and [[lonely]] but [[rich]] and [[resourceful]] at the same time. - Maintenance of [[Openness]] to the [[environment]]. Never [[withdraw]]. Never give up. The Sun shining on Everything, the Echo reacting to your reaction- reflections that provide constant reminders to be Awake. Bow and arrow- discriminating awareness/sharpness. Psychological accuracy- same as [[Sun]] in your head. - The reservoir must remain unconditional, unpolluted. - [[Winning]] is [[losing]] and losing is winning. - Maintain your seat in the saddle. You do this by staying [[balance]]d. This is assuming Command. You will know you have a good seat when you never need [[validation]]. This makes you stable, and good. - You must put the saddle on a horse- the horse is someone else's mind. Complete [[connection]]. - Fear -> [[fearlessness]] -> uplift, buoyant (everything is appreciated) -> being able to ride the mind, such as the fear that comes up -> can be steerer. [[Gentleness]], constant [[loneliness]] and sadness. More available and[[kind]] er to others. More touched by others. More [[vulnerable]]. Sadness that is [[soft]] like falling in love but you don't know with who. [[Flowing]] like a gentle brook. Only one brook in each valley so it is alone. Brings [[sympathy]] for anyone. Sadness+deloght= you want to include Everyone. - Autumn leaf down the river of the Setting Sun. This is surprising to the [[river]]. Gentle. Because you don't fight back, they don't know what to do with you. They will weep behind their pretense. - Like waking up in a royal palace. Wholesome, complete, independent human being. A quality of worship. King of your own life. Primal power- no beginning or end. - If you have trouble appreciating a chrysanthemum or the sunshine, that is a sign of [[fear]]. - Fear is the kindling for fearlessness. You have to make friends with fear. - Unconditional [[confidence]] is just always there. - Tenderness: [[cheerful]] with a touch of sadness Like a womb. - If you have to [[fight]], you are not all-victorious. - Using your [[energy]] to confirm your being (by meeting [[expectations]] or gaining [[desire]]) creates a gap. [[Doubt]] comes in this gap. - Genuine [[communication]] is a [[slow]] and organic process that begins with ourselves - [[Energy]] comes from being [[genuine]]. - Confidence comes from nowhere. It just arises. - If you are connected to Wind Horse, it will blow the self-doubts and [[loops]] of those around you away. - Earth is my witness/God is my witness. - The warrior is never [[surprise]]d. - There is no Setting Sun rest. - There is utter fear before the breakthrough. Just look at the fear, directly. Not analytically. Then, jump into it. - If you are [[free]], there is nothing to confirm.