- [[Handovers]]/[[transitions]]: collapsed:: true - Who has ultimate [[responsibility]]? - What is the [[task]] sequence for a typical project/game? - What is your task? How many tasks do you have? - Is there any [[overlap]] between tasks? - Is there a [[method]] that we use regularly to guess what will happen during the game/project? - Do we [[prepare]] for what we guess is most likely to happen? - Does our [[communication]] style promote calm, cool, and collected [[action]]? - Do we use [[checklists]]? - Does everyone have a way of providing [[feedback]] for the project/game process? - Do our briefs unite our [[expectations]] and establish a unified [[narrative]] about what happened after a project/game? - Do we have a way to [[communicate]] our situation? - Do we [[train]] to improve our [[process]]? - how to increase [[flow]] of [[attention]]? What is up and down [[stream]] of it? collapsed:: true - when does attention wait? - what is the nature of [[boredom]]? - what is the rate at which [[attention]] consumes [[work]]? - What matters most to get where the [[organization]] wants to go to [[grow]]? collapsed:: true - Eliminate everything that doesn't work toward that.