- How can a [[link]] be made between a [[new]] [[message]] and a message of an incumbent [[group]]? collapsed:: true - How often does an [[environmental]] [[trigger]] occur? How strong is the [[link]] between the [[message]] and the [[reminder]]? - How many links are there for any given [[cue]]? What will people connect to this thing? How many different answers would you get in [[association]] with this thing? - Pick cues that are [[near]] whatever you [[want]] someone to do, so it's easy for them to [[buy]] the [[product]] or [[service]] or [[act]]. - [[When]] are people in a [[place]] to consider this thing? What is around them in that place? [[timing]] - Using environmental triggers to [[sell]] is equivalent to forming a [[trigger]] action [[plan]] for someone else. - What would give someone a sense of [[awe]]? - People share things that gave them a sense of [[awe]], as well as things that [[surprise]] or are of [[use]]. - Sharing [[emotions]] acts as a [[ritual]] that gives [[energy]]. - People are more likely to [[share]] [[emotions]] that have to do with gaining or losing [[energy]]- emotions that are high [[arousal]] to ready someone for [[movement]]. - [[Awe]], [[excitement]], [[laughter]], [[anger]], [[disgust]], and [[anxiety]] are all high [[arousal]]. - For a rousing [[speech]] or [[story]], consider starting with [[anxiety]], invoking [[anger]], diffusing with a [[joke]], building anticipation for an exciting [[experience]], and finishing off with something that gives [[people]] a sense of [[awe]]. - What other people are [[feeling]] a high arousal [[emotion]] about this thing? How can someone offer a [[Schelling]] point for them? - What do people [[feel]] about this [[product]] or [[service]]? What could they feel with this product or service? How could this impact their lives? - When writing a [[story]], consider changing each [[scene]] to evoke different [[emotions]] and compare the effects. - Any sort of high [[energy]] will encourage people to [[share]] things- so catching them around physical activity will make it more likely that they will share things. - Consider a [[scene]] in a [[story]] where an interrogator tempts the [[prisoner]] into a high [[energy]] [[dance]] to get more [[information]] from them. - [[Feelings]] [[move]] people.