- [[Niche]] [[market]] [[problem]] [[detection]]: - Who is [[asking]] for help with a problem? Which experts are asking for help with a problem? Who is helping them? - Who is asking for [[solutions]] to a problem they think they will face in the [[future]]? collapsed:: true - What are the common [[recommendations]] they get? - Who is recommending? - How do people react to them when they are openly selling something? - Is there follow-up on recommendations? - How do [[people]] [[pay]] for a recommended [[solution]]? - How much do they pay? - What is their [[workflow]]? - What [[hacks]] are they using to patch the [[problem]]? collapsed:: true - Is there a Google Doc doing something that would be better served by dedicated [[software]]? - What are they [[hiring]] for? - [[Ask]] them about what is getting in their way. - Look out for [[complaints]] about [[boredom]] or tedium, because they indicate a [[problem]] with [[friction]] that impacts [[time]]. - Resource [[costs]]- how could resources be freed? collapsed:: true - [[Expense]], [[money]] complaints. Are the wrong people working on wrong things? - [[Mask]]-related complaints: wanting to be someone. [[Status]] or [[autonomy]]. Ways to show they are [[trust]]worthy, ways to show off their [[skills]], and ways to [[show]] they [[belong]] to a [[group]]. - [[The Eisenhower Matrix]] can be used to determine [[urgency]], similar to a [[triage]] [[priority]]. collapsed:: true - [[Awareness]] of the [[Problem]]: collapsed:: true - Problem unaware - problem aware - [[Solution]] aware - [[Product]] [[aware]] - Most aware - Where do people go out of their way to [[avoid]] things that they wouldn't call a [[problem]]? - Adherents [[avoid]], starters [[solve]]. collapsed:: true - What is in your way? - What is a [[pain]] to do? - What is annoying? - What [[block]]s you from doing your job properly? - What is pointless to do? - What parts of your [[skill]] do you want to improve? - What are you putting off [[starting]]? - How do you [[show]] that you are an [[expert]]? - How can you [[help]] others [[win]]? collapsed:: true - Do you [[celebrate]] wins? - What do others [[see]] of what you do? - What is in the way of your next [[win]]? - What do you have to do to [[climb]] the next step of the [[hierarchy]]? - What would make you feel [[safe]]? - What [[challenge]] did you [[overcome]] in [[life]]? - What would you prefer to not do at [[work]]? - What is the most [[boring]] [[problem]]?