# Zettelkasten - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOSZOCoqOo8 by [[Shu Omi]]. - In [[Roam]]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljyo_WAJevQ - [ ] https://blog.viktomas.com/posts/slip-box/ - Steps - Take [[literature]] notes. Information I don't want to forget or think I can use later. Ideally no copy/paste. - Take [[bibliographical]] notes. - Make [[permanent]] notes. Go over notes in previous notes and think about how they relate to my thinking, research, interest. Find meaninful connections. This builds a web of knowledge. - Find keywords: think about "when will this be useful", "when and how will I use this idea". Ideally they relate to topics I'm working on. - Take fleeting notes: this is just an idea log.