# Poverty - A [[problem]]. - [[In Flancia there is no poverty]]. - Apparently a consequence of [[global economic inequality]] plus substandard ethical systems as that predominant in [[late stage capitalism]]. - Causes people not to [[thrive]]. - Causes [[unhappiness]]. - Causes [[hunger]] in [[capitalism]]. - Causes [[pain]]. - Causes [[violence]]. - [[our world in data]]: https://ourworldindata.org/extreme-poverty - 85% of the world live on less than $30 per day. - 66% of the world live on less than $10 per day. - 10% of people lives on less than $1.90 per day. - [[go]] http://encyclopedia.uia.org/en/problem/137378 - [[Structural poverty]] - [[Rural poverty]] - [[Urban poverty]] - [[Family poverty]] - [[Extreme poverty]] - [[Poverty induced environmental degradation]] - [[Environmental poverty]] - [[Children in poverty]] - [[Inefficient public spending to alleviate poverty]] - [[Unchecked poverty cycle]] - [[Socio-economic poverty]] - [[Poverty-stricken women]] - [[Energy poverty]] - [[Poverty as a consequence of war]] - [[Generational poverty]] - [[Debilitating poverty image]] - [[Fuel poverty]] - [[Poverty affected fertility rates]]