# Pfrazee - [[pull]] [[paul frazee]] - [[github]] https://github.com/pfrazee - [[twitter]] twitter.com/pfrazee - [[projects]] - [[beaker browser]] [[hypercore proto]] [[ctzn]] ## [[2021-03-05]] - Greetings! - [[ctzn]] and ctzn.one - using the hypercore p2p mesh to sync between devices - [[hybrid]] between [[federated]] and [[p2p]] - [[activitypub]] is more push, this is more pull based - as much as possible every action occurs [[on chain]] - imagine a [[ban]] action: a moderator adds a [[ban]] record, the computer running the network applies the action if the permissions are there - [[vision]] - two main ones chasing: - [[having a better time on the internet]] - would like to lower the [[outrage]] levels - easy to picture, hard to get there - [[modding culture]] - [[minecraft]] + [[social forum]] - what would this look like? - [[agora]] - [[differences]] and comments - [[acme editor]]: the UI of the editor is all editable - approach: "no novel pains in the butt" - implementing [[reactions]] soon - do you need something? - step 1: get software to beta - step 2: growth -- bring in people - success: hockey stick growth, 10-20% mo/mo - step 3: fund raise, business model close to wordpress (running infra in people's behalf)