- [[Flancia]]! - In the [[Flancia pattern language]] #19 stands for [[Right Freedom]]... and [[Revolution]]. - Visiting [[Bern]] today. - Writing this on the train there. It's very hot today but I think it will be nice. - Also trying to decide between going to [[Romandie]] or [[Paris]] next week. - I read about [[htmx]] again during the week and I'm wondiering if I should give it a try for [[agora server]]. Right now most of its (limited) interactivity is hand-coded artisanal JS and DOM updates, and it could be nice to replace that with a better supported (yet not too opaque/cumbersome) alternative. - [[berner waldland]] with [[LP]], it was beautiful. - I got to [[Platform 10]] on time, just fine :) - [[Gracias]]! - [[Agua]] - [[Collected Poetry]] - [[AG]] :) - [[PJ]] told me he was part of the original [[Chrome]] team back in 2009! Very cool. - https://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/google-chrome-making-cross-platform-browser - [[ajhalili200]] said in a journal: - > I'm getting more comfortable using Foam alongside Obsidian, especially inside a Gitpod workspace. - This makes me want to check out [[Gitpod]] -- it makes sense that you could have hosted [[vscode]] with extensions like [[foam]]. I tried to have this previously but the [[foam]] extension was not supported in whichever vscode environment I tried; it's cool Gitpod has it. - [[gitpod garden]]