- #push [[dfw]] - I spoke about [[David Foster Wallace]] with [[Dora]]. - She recommended https://fs.blog/david-foster-wallace-this-is-water/. - #push [[agua]] - a [[poem]]. - #push [[las jaras]] - a [[poem]]. - #push [[Gloria]] - a [[poem]] - #push [[Merge]] - a [[poem]]. - #push [[Please]] - [[a poem]]. - #push [[Beyond Markdown on Git]] - an [[essay]]. - it is armed with the [[minimum viable knowledge commons]] we'll [[disentangle Moloch]] from #humanity and our [[friends]]. - [[Markdown on Git]] is good enough and it already exists, but what lies beyond? - Maybe [[Mycoformat]]? - [[Mycomarkup]] on [[Git]] and [[Sqlite]]? - #push [[Existence]] - a [[poem]]. - [[yoga]] - [[go/center/17]] ~ [[move]], which makes me think of [[go/move/17]] and all -- it's like a link between [[center]] (the 30 days of yoga for 2023) and [[move]] (for 2022). => [[2023-02-18]]